
Basic configuration is relatively simple but tedious to do if done multiple times. throughout a project. The intention of ClassComposer is to DRY up as much of that configuration as possible to allow you to just write code.


ClassComposer is hosted on RubyGems

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'class_composer'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install class_composer



add_composer is the driving method behind the composer gem. It will

  • Add a setter Method
  • Add a getter Method
  • Add instance variable
  • Add validation Method

In short, Composer will behave similarly to attr_accessor

require 'class_composer'

class MyConfigurableClass
  include ClassComposer::Generator

  ALLOWED_FIBONACCI = [0, 2, 8, 13, 34]

  add_composer :status, allowed: Integer, default: 35
  add_composer :number, allowed: Integer, default: 0, validator: -> (val) { val < 50 }
  # when no default is provided, nil will be returned
  add_composer :fibbonacci, allowed: Array, validator: ->(val) { val.all? {|i| i.is_a?(Integer) } && val.all? { |i| ALLOWED_FIBONACCI.include?(i) } }, invalid_message: ->(val) { "We only allow #{ALLOWED_FIBONACCI} numbers. Received #{val}" }
  # Allowed can be passed an array of allowed class types
  add_composer :type, allowed: [Proc, Integer], default: 35

instance =
=> 35
instance.number = 75
ClassComposer::ValidatorError: MyConfigurableClass.number failed validation. number is expected to be Integer.
from /gem/lib/class_composer/generator.rb:71:in `block in __composer_assignment__`
instance.number = 15
=> 15
=> 15
=> nil
instance.fibbonacci = [1,2,3]
ClassComposer::ValidatorError: MyConfigurableClass.fibbonacci failed validation. fibbonacci is expected to be [Array]. We only allow [0, 2, 8, 13, 34] numbers. Received [1, 2, 3]
from /gem/lib/class_composer/generator.rb:71:in `block in __composer_assignment__`
instance.fibbonacci = [0,13,34]
=> [0, 13, 34]
=> [0, 13, 34]

KWarg Options

  - Required: True
  - What: Expected value of the name of the composed method
  - Type: Array of Class types or Single Class type

  - Required: False
  - What: Custom way to validate the value of the composed method
  - Type: Proc
  - Default: ->(_) { true }
  - By default validation happens on the `allowed` KWARG first and then the passed in validator function. Proc should expect that the type passed in is one of `allowed`

  - Required: false
  - What: Class to raise when a validation error occurs from `allowed` KWarg or from the passed in `validator` proc
  - Type: Class
  - Default: ClassComposer::ValidatorError

  - Required: false
  - What: Class to raise when a errors occur outside of validation. This can be for composer method errors or proc errors during validation
  - Type: Class
  - Default: ClassComposer::Error

  - Required: false
  - What: This is the default value to set for the composed method
  - Type: Should match the `allowed` KWarg
  - Default: nil
  - Note: When no default value is provided, the return value from the getter will be `nil`. However, this does not mean that NilClass will be an acceptable value during the setter method

  - Required: False
  - What: Message to add to the base invalid setter method
  - Type: Proc or String
    - Proc: ->(val) { } # where val is the failed value of the setter method


Usage with Array as Allowed

Arrays are treated special with the composed methods. ClassComposer will inject a custom method << so that it can be treated as a regular array with the added benefit of validation still occuring.

class CustomArrayClass
  include ClassComposer::Generator

  add_composer :array, allowed: Array, default: [], validator: ->(val) { val.sum < 40 }, invalid_message: ->(val) { "Array sum of [#{val.sum}] must be less than 40" }

instance =
instance.array << 1
instance.array << 2
=> [1, 2]
instance.array << 50
ClassComposer::ValidatorError: CustomArrayClass.array failed validation. array is expected to be Array. Array sum of [53] must be less than 40

Usage with complex configuration

class ComplexDependencies
  include ClassComposer::Generator

  add_composer :use_scope, allowed: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false
  add_composer :scope, allowed: Proc

  def scope
    # skip unless use_scope is explicitly set
    return -> {} unless @use_scope

    # use passed in scope if present
    # Otherwise default to blank default
    @scope || -> {}

Adding custom methods allows for higher level of complexity. The methods can be used and accessed just as an attr_accessor would.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Run bundle exec class_composer to use the gem in this directory, ignoring other installed copies of this gem.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.

To release a new version:

  1. Update the version number in [lib/class_composer/version.rb]
  2. Update []
  3. Merge to the main branch. This will trigger an automatic build in CircleCI and push the new gem to the repo.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at