What's this about?
Cliff is a CLI-Client for friendpaste.com. You can paste stuff to Friendpaste by piping it to cliff or fetch contents of a existing paste. It's not yet finished but should work fine. Currently only getting existing and creating new snippets is supported. Updates, Diffs, Versioning, etc. will soon follow!
And btw: friendpaste.com is powered by CouchDB :)
gem install cliff
cliff [--help | --list-languages | --refresh]
should be pretty self-explanatory. --list-languages
prints a list of all available languages for syntax highlighting from friendpaste. --refresh
fetches a new list from friendpaste.com and stores it in $HOME/.friendpaste_languages
Upload stuff from stdin
echo "Hello world!" | cliff
Upload contents from file
cliff < file.txt
cliff myrubyscript.rb rb
Fetch a paste
cliff SOME_SNIPPET_ID > output.txt
When creating a new snippet, the complete URL is copied to your clipboard for direct usage on IRC and co.
This CLI-Tool is heavily inspired by http://github.com/defunkt/gist.