cmdline – Yet Another Command Line Tool

cmdline is a small library to facilitate handling of command line arguments. cmdline automatically checks that all required arguments and flags are set, performs validity checks on the arguments and automatically generates a usage message from the command line specification. Arguments are available via named accessors. [ [“-f”, “-flag”, :starts_with_a_digit, “value”, true, nil, “must start with a number”, /^d.*/] ] cmdline.parse ARGV puts cmdline.starts_with_a_digit

In the example above, cmdline ensure the ARGV array contains a -f (or -flag) flag which must have an argument that starts with a digit. If an approriate argument is found, it will be accessible via the automaticaly created starts_with_a_digit accessor. If not, a usage message will be generate, printed and the application will exit.


You can install the cmdline package by executing:

gem install cmdline -r

alternatively, you can download .tar.gz or .zip archives from Rubyforge and install using the setup.rb script.

Types of Arguments

  • long and short flags :

script.rb -s -long_flag

  • flags taking arguments:

script.rb -o outfilename

  • subcommands (a la gem or svn):

script.rb generate -h if you want to use subcommands, they have to appear as the very first argument, i.e. this is not possible script.rb -v subcommand -h # NOT POSSIBLE

  • plain arguments:

script.rb -v file_name


You’ll need to require cmdline like this:

require ‘cmdline’

(if you installed the package using gems, you’ll either need to use:

require_gem ‘cmdline’

or start ruby with the -rubygems command line flag.)

In order to use cmdline, you’ll need to provide an array containing a definition for each argument and pass the ARGV to the method parse. (Actually, you can pass in any array, or none, in which case, ARGV will be used by default) An example (from examples/exmaple.rb):

require ‘cmdline’ [ [“-m”, “-message”, :message, “message”, true, nil, “message for ‘usage’”] ] cmdline.parse ARGV puts cmdline.message

Running the script yields:

$ruby example.rb usage: example.rb options -m/-message <message>* message for ‘usage’ -h/–help print this message * required flags

missing mandatory flag -m

The definition for the –help flag was added by default. Running the script with the required argument yields:

$ruby example.rb -message ‘This is the message to print.’ This is the message to print.

Flag Definition

Each argument that is should be accepted is defined using an array. In the above example, a single argument is defined:

[“-m”, “-message”, :message, “message”, true, nil, “message for ‘usage’”]

The meaning of the fields in the definition array (at least for flags) are as follows:

  1. the ‘short’ flag name

  2. the long flag name

  3. the name of the accessor through which the flag value will be available

  4. this value defines whether the flag takes arguments (i.e. script.rb -o outfile). Value should be false if the flag takes no argument (i.e. script.rb -verbose) or a string which is used in the generated usage message.

  5. whether this is a required argument

  6. default value in case the flag is not set on the command line

  7. a detailed message for the generated usage string

  8. an optional eighth argument that may be either a proc or a regular expression to check the the validity of the passed argument or and Array containing all allowed arguments.

Subcommand Definition

Subcommands are defined in a simliar manner. An example of how one would parse gem subcommands (from examples/subcommand_example.rb):

doc= <<END_DOC build Build a gem from a gemspec cert Adjust RubyGems certificate settings check Check installed gems cleanup Clean up old versions of installed gems in the local repository contents Display the contents of the installed gems … END_DOC

command_arr=[“build”, “cert”, “check”, “cleanup”, “contents”] # … [ [:command, nil, :command, “command”, false, “build”, doc, command_arr] ]

puts cmdline.command

In this example, the subcommand isn’t required, so we’ll use the automatically generated -h flag to display the usage message:

$ruby subcommand_example.rb -h usage: subcommand_example.rb [command] [options] build Build a gem from a gemspec cert Adjust RubyGems certificate settings check Check installed gems cleanup Clean up old versions of installed gems in the local repository contents Display the contents of the installed gems … -h/–help print this message

Final Arguments

In order to access, verify and add usage information for plain arguments after flags (e.g. copy.rb -name tim -v file1 file2 file3) you can add a final definition (from examples/plain_args_example.rb):

args_doc = “files to process” file_readable=lambda{|f| File.readable? f} [ [:args, nil, :args, “args”, false, nil, args_doc, file_readable] ] cmdline.parse ARGV puts cmdline.args

In the example above the file arguments are required. So running the example without args yields:

$ruby plain_args_example.rb usage: plain_args_example.rb [options] args -h/–help print this message

args: files to process

missing mandatory args

Finally, a proc is passed to check that any filename arguments refer to readable files.

Putting it all together

(from examples/long_example.rb):

commands_check= [“add”, “blame”, “cat”, “checkout”] file_readable=lambda{|f| File.readable? f} [ [:command, nil, :command, “command”, false, “add”, commands_doc, commands_check], [“-o”, nil, :outfile, “file”, false, STDOUT, “filename to write output to, default STDOUT”], [“-i”, “–infile”, :infile, “file”, false, STDIN, “filename to read from, default STDIN”, file_readable], [“-v”, “–verbose”, :verbose, false, false, nil, “verbose”], [“-n”, “–numeric”, :number, “num”, true, nil, “numeric value”, /^d+$/], [:args, nil, :args, “args”, false, nil, args_doc, file_readable] ]

This definition requires:

  • an optional subcommand which defaults to “add”

  • an optional -o flag which defaults to STDOUT

  • an optional -i/–infile flag which checks that filename args refer to readable files

  • an optional -v flag that doesn’t take an argument

  • a mandatory -n/–numeric flag which checks the argument is numeric

  • optional args, which, if passed must be names of readable files

The generated usage message will look like this:

$ruby long_example.rb usage: long_example.rb [command] options [args]

Available commands: add blame cat checkout

-o <file> filename to write output to, default STDOUT -i/–infile <file> filename to read from, default STDIN -v/–verbose verbose -n/–numeric <num>* numeric value -h/–help print this message * required flags

args: files to process

missing mandatory flag -n


In case you discover bugs, offer suggestions for improvements or would like to help out with the project, you can contact me via email ([email protected]).