
Rails gem/plugin to load common project tasks.

Once the plugin is installed add the following to RAILS_ROOT/Rakefile

require ‘common_project_tasks’

Each project will need a RAILS_ROOT/config/app_vars.yml file. Each environment list in the database.yml file should also be listed in app_vars.yml. The supported attributes are:

  • rebuild_database [true/false]

  • load_fixtures [true/false]

  • fixtures [fixture1,fixture2,fixture3] (specify in order you want them to load)

The app_vars.yml file should look something like. Note: This example can be found in COMMON_PROJECT_TASKS_PLUGIN/examples/app_vars.yml.

############################################### app_vars: &app_vars

rebuild_database: true
load_fixtures: true
fixtures: 'states,users,permissions'


<<: *app_vars


<<: *app_vars


rebuild_database: false
load_fixtures: false
<<: *app_vars
