Compartment CMS


  1. Install the Compartment CMS gem: gem install compartment
  2. Create a new application: compartment new my_site
  3. Change into the new directory and start the application: cd my_site bundle exec rackup
  4. Open your browser to localhost:3000
  5. Complete the setup wizard to create your first site.

Option 2: As a Rails Engine (for existing applications)

  1. Add gem "compartment" to your Gemfile and bundle
  2. Mount the engine in your routes.rb: mount Compartment::Engine => "/"
  3. Install the migrations: bundle exec rake compartment:install:migrations
  4. Run the migrations: bundle exec rake db:migrate
  5. Start the rails server and open the application in your browser.
  6. Complete the setup wizard to create your first site. -->