JSBundle - Compass plugin

JSBundle is simply a collection of popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries, nothing more, nothing less. It is a Compass plugin, so provides a simple way to quickly place your favourite and most used JavaScript libraries into your Compass projects.

Provided JavaScript libraries

The following JavaScript libraries are currently included in the bundle:

Over time this collection of bundled libraries will grow, although it is not intended to be an exhausitive list of all plugins, widgets and hacks. It is simply a collection of those essential libraries that normally find their way into most front-end projects.


Installation is simple via Ruby Gems:

sudo gem install compass-jsbundle

Add a JavaScript library to your existing Compass project

Adding a library to your project is achieved with the following command:

compass install -r jsbundle jsbundle/<library>

The following <library> paramaters are accepted:

dd-belatedpng, domassistant, ie-css3, jquery, modernizr, mootools, prototype, scriptaculous, swfobject


All bundled JavaScript libraries are distributable under open source licenses. Credit must go to their respective authors and contributors for giving us such great open-source tools.

All I am doing is packaging them together in one place and ensuring the bundle is kept up-to-date with recent and stable versions.

Copyright (c) 2010 Aaron Russell. See LICENSE for details.