
TODO: Write a gem description


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'condition'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install condition


TODO: Write usage instructions here


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


2014-02-19 0.0.28 modify bug order check in no options

2014-01-30 0.0.27 check param.check name not found view expected <> real view post condition column name in error

2014-01-23 0.0.26 modify bug array size check view unmatch hash key

2014-01-15 0.0.25 support schema name in pre condition

2014-01-08 0.0.24 add now() and now(diff seconds)

2013-12-25 0.0.23 support sequel pg_array

2013-12-20 0.0.22 add redis dir read specific file

2013-12-13 0.0.21 bugfix options array bugfix check_line over or lack

2013-12-13 0.0.20 check redis key not found

2013-12-12 0.0.19 add convert file to redis

2013-12-12 0.0.18 add eval check

2013-12-11 0.0.17 add redis reader

2013-12-06 0.0.16 modify mongo key to symbol modify check no used line in expectations

2013-12-03 0.0.15 add present and regexp check

2013-05-22 0.0.14 modify view not match

2013-05-22 0.0.13 modify bug expected is null

2013-04-26 0.0.12 modify #EMPTY from [] to '' alternate #JSON([])

2013-04-23 0.0.11 add storage mongo

2013-04-23 0.0.10 separate storage, param_item

2013-04-18 0.0.9 deep value_match?

2013-04-18 0.0.8 add json

2013-04-18 0.0.7 delete json add ref param_item

2013-04-17 0.0.6 modify symbol or string check hash and ary modify check_value raise

2013-04-17 0.0.5 add pre_after exec

2013-04-15 0.0.4 add default to precondition

2013-04-15 0.0.3 add default to precondition

2013-04-11 0.0.2 add param, param_item delete pre, post, reader, table

2013-04-10 0.0.1 first release