

pure ruby scoped configuration files


configuration.rb provides a mechanism for configuring ruby programs with
ruby configuration files.  a configuration.rb file, for example
'config/app.rb', can be written simply as

      key 'value'
      foo 'bar'
      port 42

and loaded via the normal ruby require/load mechanism

    Kernel.load 'config/app.rb'

or with a slightly augmented loading mechnanism which simply searches an
extra set of paths in *addition* to the standard ones

    Configuration.path = %w( config configuration )

    Configuration.load 'app'

configurations are completely open

      object_id 'very open'

support arbitrarily nested values

      a { b { c { d 42 } } }

    c = Configuration.for 'app'

    p c.a.b.c.d #=> 42

allow POLS scoped lookup of vars

    outer 'bar'

    inner {
      value 42

  c = Configuration.for 'config'

  p c.outer       #=> 'bar'
  p c.inner.value #=> 42
  p c.inner.outer #=> 'bar' 

and not a whole lot else - configuration.rb is s very small library
consisting of one file and < 150 loc


<========< samples/a.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/a.rb

  # basic usage is quite, simple, load the config and use it's values.  the
  # config syntax is fairly obvious, i think, but note that it *is* ruby and any
  # ruby can be included.  also note that each config is named, allowing
  # multiple configs to be places in one file 
    require 'configuration'

    c = Configuration.load 'a'

    p c.a + c.b - c.c

~ > ruby samples/a.rb


<========< samples/b.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/b.rb

  # configuration.rb supports a very natural nesting syntax.  note how values
  # are scoped in a POLS fashion
    require 'configuration'

    c = Configuration.for 'b' 

    p c.www.url
    p c.db.url
    p c.mail.url

~ > ruby samples/b.rb


<========< samples/c.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/c.rb

  # configuration.rb let's you keep code very dry.

    require 'configuration'

    Configuration.load 'c'

    p Configuration.for('development').db
    p Configuration.for('production').db
    p Configuration.for('testing').db

~ > ruby samples/c.rb


<========< samples/d.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/d.rb

  # configuration.rb makes use of an external blank slate dsl, this means that
  # you Configuration objects do, in fact, have all built-in ruby methods such
  # as #inspect, etc, *unless* you configure over the top of them.  the effect
  # is a configuration object that behaves like a nice ruby object, but which
  # allows *any* key to be configured
    require 'configuration'

    c = Configuration.for 'd' 

    p c.object_id
    p c.inspect
    p c.p

~ > ruby samples/d.rb

  config/d.rb:2:in `object_id': wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError)
  	from config/d.rb:2
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:159:in `instance_eval'
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:159:in `call'
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:159:in `method_missing'
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:105:in `evaluate'
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:68:in `initialize'
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:29:in `new'
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:29:in `for'
  	from config/d.rb:1
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:53:in `load'
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:53:in `load'
  	from ./lib/configuration.rb:31:in `for'
  	from samples/d.rb:10

<========< samples/e.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/e.rb

  # configuration.rb uses a totally clean slate dsl for the block.  if you need
  # to access base Object methods you can do this

    require 'configuration'

    c = Configuration.for 'e'

    p c.foobar

~ > ruby samples/e.rb
