
Conformist lets you bend CSVs to your will. Let multiple, different input files conform to a single interface without rewriting your parser each time.

Motivation for this project came from the desire to simplify importing data from various government organisations into Antenna Mate. The data from each government was similar, but had completely different formatting. Some pieces of data needed preprocessing while others simply needed to be concatenated together. I did not want to write a new parser for each new government organisation. Instead, I created Conformist.


Conformist is available from

$ gem install conformist


You create a Ruby class, mix-in Conformist::Base and declare how an input file should map to a single interface.

require 'conformist'

class Citizen1
  include Conformist::Base

  column :name, 0, 1
  column :address, 2 do |value|

class Citizen2
  include Conformist::Base

  column :name, 0
  column :address, 1

Load up your definitions and enumerate over each row in the input file.

Conformist.foreach Citizen1.load('citizens1.csv'), Citizen2.load('citizens2.csv') do |row|
  Citizen.create! row

Each object passed into the block will be a hash. Perfect for passing to a model to save into a datastore (Or whatever tickles your fancy).


Conformist uses CSV (Formally FasterCSV) to perform the heavy lifting. You can declare options that should be passed to CSV at runtime. It is safe to call option multiple times.

option :col_sep => ','
option :quote_char => '"'

One Column

Maps the first column in the input file to the :first_name key-value pair. Indexing starts at zero.

column :first_name, 0

Many Columns

Maps the first and second columns in the input file to the :name key-value pair and implicitly concatenates the values.

column :name, 0, 1

Indexing is completely arbitrary and you can map any combination.

column :name_and_address, 0, 2


Sometimes you will want to manipulate values before they're conformed. You can pass a block and get access to the values. The return value of the expression becomes the conformed output.

column :name, 0, 1 do |values| { |v| v.upcase } * ' '

Works with one column too. Instead of getting an array of strings, you get one string.

column :first_name, 0 do |value|

Virtual Columns

Declare a column you want included in the conformed output that is not based on the input file. This is useful when you need to set values based on the conformist definition.

column :day do 


  • 1.9.2-p180
  • 1.8.7-p334
  • jruby-1.6.1


Patches welcome!

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a topic branch
  3. Write tests and make changes
  4. Make sure the tests pass by running rake
  5. Push and send a pull request on GitHub

Copyright © 2011 Tate Johnson. Conformist is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.