
This gem contains a little contact form. It is build with a mountable engine.

Quick Start

gem install contact_form

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem "contact_form"

Run the generator to generate an initializer file, a config yml file and locale files

rails g contact_form:install

You can easily customize all files. The generated file under “/config” contains the mailer recipients, you can change them the way you want. The generated files under “/config/locales” contains i18n keys which can also be changed.

After you run the generator you can mount the engine in your routes.rb

mount ContactForm::Engine => "/contact_form"



and you’ll see the result!


There are following generators available for customizing your contact form:

rails g contact_form:views          # generates view files
rails g contact_form:models         # generates model files
rails g contact_form:controllers    # generates controller files
rails g contact_form:mailers        # generates mailer files

Or simple generate all files

rails g contact_form:all            # generates all files

Copyright © 2012 Matthias Frick, released under the MIT license