Simple importing of contacts from Outlook and vCard.
provides a simple way to read contacts exported from Outlook or vCard files. It came about because I needed to enable users of a webapp to import contacts from their existing desktop address books and email clients.
Outlook contacts should be exported as Comma Separated Values (Windows).
vCards can be exported from most other address books or email clients. Here are instructions for Apple's Address Book.
There is precisely one method in the API:
Assuming contacts_file
is the name and path of your contacts file:
This returns an array of contacts, where a contact is an object responding to:
All responses are strings. If a value is not set (e.g. a contact has no fax number) an empty string is returned.
Where there are work and home values, e.g. a work phone and a home phone, ContactSport
will prefer the work phone.
$ gem install contact_sport
The code requires Ruby 1.9.
Intellectual Property
Copyright Andrew Stewart, AirBlade Software Ltd.
Released under the MIT licence.