
Build Status

Conversational makes it easier to accept incoming text messages (SMS), emails and IM and respond to them in your application.

NOTE: Conversational no longer supports ActiveRecord additions or "stateful" conversations. If you still need this feature use version 0.3.2


gem install conversational


Let's say you have an application which allows you to interact with Facebook over SMS. You want be able to write on on your friends wall and change your status by sending an SMS to your app. You also want to receive SMS alerts when a friend writes on your wall or you have a new friend request.

Let's tackle the incoming messages first.

Incoming Text Messages

Let's say your commands are:

  • us is ready for a beer
  • wow johnny wanna go 4 a beer?

Where "us" is update status and "wow" is write on wall

Assuming you have set up a controller in your application to accept incoming text messages you could use Conversational as follows:

class Conversation
  include Conversational::Conversation
  def say
    # code to send an SMS

class UsConversation < Conversation
  def process
    # code to update status
    say "Successfully updated your status"

class WowConversation < Conversation
  def process
    # Code to write on wall
    say "Successfully wrote on wall"

class IncomingTextMessageController
  def create
    topic = params[:message].split(" ").first => topic).details.process

There's quite a bit going on here so let's have a bit more of a look.

In the controller a new Conversation is created with the topic as the first word of the text message. In this case the topic might be "us" or "wow". Calling details on an instance of Conversation will try and return an instance of a class in your project that subclasses the class that includes Conversational::Conversation and has the same name as the topic. In this case a topic of "us" will map to UsConversation and a topic of "wow" maps to WowConversation. Let's say the user texts in "us is ready for a beer". The code will create an instance of UsConversation then call process on the instance.

There's a problem though, if the user texts in something starting with other than "us" or "wow" we'll get an error because details will return nil and process will be called on nil. We'll handle that in the next section.


You can configure Conversation to deal with unknown or blank topics as follows:

class Conversation

class UnknownTopicNotification < Conversation
  def process
    say "Sorry. Unknown Command"

class BlankTopicNotification < Conversation
  def process
    say "Hey. What do you want?"

Now if the user texts something like "hey jonnie", they'll receive: "Sorry. Unknown Command." Similarly, if they text nothing, they'll receive "Hey. What do you want?"