

The Good-Hearted Leader

Cooler Howard Smith has an outgoing and mellow personality and always keeps his head up even in the most daring situations. He is smart, laid-back, friendly, witty, and usually optimistic even when things get serious.

A mini ORM, agnostic to key value store databases.

If you're in a hurry, and need to define some models that should be persisted, in any Key-Value Store Database, this is the right gem.


Add gem 'cooler' to your Gemfile.

Define Adapter's set, get and delete

In an initializer, you'll need to specify how to set, get and delete a key. Let's say that you use Redis, then you want to do something similar to:

redis =

Cooler::Adapater.set = ->(key, value) { redis.set(key, value.to_json) }
Cooler::Adapater.get = ->(key) do
  result = Bloodhound.redis.get(key) and JSON.parse(result)
Cooler::Adapater.delete = ->(key) { redis.del(key) }

That's it.

Define your models

Defining a model is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

# A model should inherit from Struct, attributes defined there are PERSISTED
# in the database.
class User <, :age, :encrypted_password, :created_at)
  # You must include Cooler::Model
  include Cooler::Model

  # Any attribute accessor, or instance variables, are NOT STORED in the
  # database, however you can  initialize an object with these attributes.
  attr_accessor :password

  # You can set defaults for any of the attributes.
  default :age, 18
  default :encrypted_password,
    ->(user) { Digest::MD5.hexdigest(user.password) }
  default :created_at, -> { }

  # To define the key for a Model, you need to pass a block, and return an
  # String that will be the key to store the object.
  key { |user| "user_#{user.}" }

# You can create a new instance, passing its atributes:
user = 'cooler', age: 20, password: 'im_cooler')

# You can also get any stored object, passing a Hash as argument, or
# specifying the exact key.
user = User.get(login: 'cooler') # or User.get('user_cooler')
user.age = 10
