
A Rails 3 engine for Twitter and Facebook logins using OmniAuth


To use OmniSocial in a Rails 3 application:

  1. Require it in the Gemfile: gem 'omnisocial'

  2. Install it by running bundle.

  3. Run rails g omnisocial to copy an initializer, database migration and some CSS and image assets into your base application directory.

  4. Edit config/initializers/omnisocial.rb and include your application's Twitter and Facebook OAuth configuration.

  5. Run rake db:migrate to create the user and login_account tables.

  6. Test that the logins work by accessing /login inside your application.

Some more detailed installation instructions are in the project announcement article.

OmniSocial is Copyright (c) 2010 Tim Riley and Icelab, and is released under MIT License.

The "Sign in with Twitter/Facebook" buttons are from Komodo Media, distributeed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

The twitter bird image is courtesy of Pasquale D’Silva.