
A Rails engine to provide localized country names, languages and currencies. For example, it translates ‘en’ to ‘English’ for language, ‘USD’ to ‘US Dollar’ for currency and ‘US’ to ‘United States’ for country.

It uses Rails internationalization framework ( for translation. It requires Rails 3.2 or later

You can easily translate country codes in your application like this:

<%= I18n.t 'US', :scope => 'countries' %>

And to create selection menu:

<%= localized_country_select(:user, :country, [], :include_blank => 'Please choose...') %>

will become:

<select name="user[country]" id="user_country">
<option value="">Please choose...</option>
<option disabled="disabled" value="">-------------</option>
<option value="AF">Afghanistan</option>
<option value="ZW">Zimbabwe</option>

You can do the same for language (‘en’, ‘ja’, ‘fr’, etc.) and currency (‘USD’, ‘GBP’, ‘EUR’, etc.)


Add this gem in Gemfile of your application

gem 'country-select-engine'

or any variation with :path or :git

Generating translation files

The translation files are generated through ruby-cldr:

thor cldr:download
thor cldr:export --merge

Then ‘script/convert_cldr.rb’ is used to tidy up.

Generating translation files (deprecated)

If you want to regenerate your own, in your application, use

rake country_select:import_country[locales]

or in dummy application of this engine

rake app:country_select:import_country[locales]

Country names are imported from’s CLDR repository (

Don’t forget to restart the application when you add new locale.

ActionView helper

ActionView helper code is adapted from Rails’ default country_select plugin (previously in core). See


@:exclude@ option

<%= localized_country_select(:user, :country, ['English'], :include_blank => 'Please choose...', :exclude => ['Afrikaans']) %>

@:only@ option

<%= localized_country_select(:user, :country, ['English'], :include_blank => 'Please choose...', :only => ['German', 'French']) %>

@:symbol@ option

‘:symbol => :pretend’ to prepend symbol to value in selection ‘:symbol => :append’ to append symbol to value in selection

Framework usage

This engine should also integrate nicely with various formbuilders, including Formtastic

Formtastic example:

<%= semantic_form_for @user do |form| %>

<%= form.input :home_country, :as => :country, :priority_countries => ['USA'], :include_blank => 'Please choose country...', :only => ['USA', 'Germany', 'France']) %>    

<% end %>

  • Copyright © 2012 Yen-Ju Chen, released under the MIT license

  • Copyright © 2008 Karel Minarik (, released under the MIT license

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