Ruby - Coverage


>> this package is outdated, rcov is way better <<

This tool helps identify those lines of code in your program which didn't got executed while running.

NaHi is the author of the original 'coverage.rb', 47 lines of Ruby code. Today it outputs nice HTML.


Ruby's license


Follow these 3 steps in order to install

ruby install.rb config

ruby install.rb setup

ruby install.rb install


Insert '-rcoverage' when you wish to make coverage output. For instance:

ruby -rcoverage test_all.rb

It should generage an 'index.html' file, containing coverage info.


NAKAMURA Hiroshi (NaHi) for the original coverage code.

Mauricio Julio Fern?ndez Pradier, lots of improvements.

Robert Feldt, for suggestions.

Alex Pooley, for eliminating warning(s).

Bugs reports (rubyforge account required)

If you find any misbehavier, then please submit it here:

Feature requests (rubyforge account required)

If there is something you wish, then tell it so we can figure out how to make 'coverage' capable of it.

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