
Fast and easy way to get all data about all coins in any fiat value. Get data for analyze or use it to make a brand new crypto app. After scrapping prices in CSV file, and printing colorized output, you can access each rate with #price(coin). No configuration, just run.

  • Collect prices of defined coins from
  • Save data into object
  • Save to CSV and print colorized output
  • Print-only without saving
  • Save-only without printing

How to install

Make sure you have ruby and git installed:

 # download repo and install dependencies like colorize and rest-client
 git clone
 cd crates
 bundle install

How to run

If you want to edit default coins:

 # open 'bin/crates' and edit line(5):
 > (5): COINS = %w[ ... ].freeze

Run from terminal:

 # add fiat currencies as arguments
 # also accept `--no-save` and `--no-print` as args

 $ ruby bin/crates usd eur rsd
 $ ruby bin/crates usd eur rsd --no-save
 $ ruby bin/crates usd eur rsd --no-print

How to use

Initialize new object with your own configuration. If you want to use defaults:

 # you can edit this in 'bin/crates'

 - #coins: [BTC, LTC, XMR, ETH, BCH, ZEC]
 - #save:  true  
 - #print: true 

Otherwise, #new accept 'currency' as argument, and an 'options hash':

 - first parameter is currency, defauilt is 'EUR'
 - other accepted options are:  
     print: boolean
     save:  boolean
     coins: array


 # configure default values

 COINS = %w[ BTC XMR LTC ETH ZEC ].freeze
 PRINT = true
 SAVE  = true

 # create new object

 @rates = :eur, coins: COINS, print: PRINT, save: SAVE )

 # make single request


 # C::Rates#get accept same args as #new, but do not change default values

 CURRENCIES = %w[ USD EUR RSD ].freeze

 CURRENCIES.each do |currency|
   @rates.get currency

This will print/save data as configured, while making prices easily accessible with Rates#price(:symbol).

 # Getter method with all coins and values 

 # => { "BTC"=>48867.67, "XMR"=>200.31, "LTC"=>164.37 }
 # => Accessible with @rates['BTC']

 # Get price for each coin
 # C::Rates#price(:coin)

 @rates.price(:btc)      # accept symbol
 # => 48867.67

 @rates.price('xmr')     # or string
 # => 200.31

C::Rates has two setter methods:

 @rates.currency = 'EUR'

 @rates.coins = %w[BTC XMR LTC]

Other available objects are:

 # After new object is initialized, you can use:

 # => "EUR"

 # => "BTC, XMR, LTC"
 # => save output -> (true/false)

 # => print output -> (true/false)

 # => 0 -> (number of fail requests)

 # After you call Rates#get:

 # => constructed URL

 # => response from RestClient.get (accept #code, #headers, #body)
 # => JSON parsed object will all data about all coins

 # => path to saved CSV file
 # => file is named CURRENCY_rates.csv (eur_rates.csv)


This gem is start of app that I am working on to help me with auto-trades. At the moment I use it to notify me when price change more then 2% from last trade. Then I perform crypto-to-crypto trade, and wait for price to change again. To make it reliable and worth of using, plan is to add next functions:

  • add more sources to get data from them
  • scrap more data into tables (only data I need)
  • add support for API-KEYS
  • rotate sources if requests are sent too often
  • add support for proxy and headers rotation
  • create charts from prices at given time (each 10min etc)
  • create GIF animation from charts per time (each 30 min etc)