An irb console for cucumber world
* Can define steps interactively
* Can execute steps interactively like debugger
* Can share cuke world and irb context in a same object
* Can see instance variables of step files via irb
* Supported hooks (but only before/after without parameters)
* Supported World methods
Use 'crb' command as same as 'cucumber' command
% crb (... cucumber options ...)
And then you are in cucumber world via irb
% cd examples/i18n/en
% crb
^^^ This means a number of defined steps.
irb(CRB:3):001:0> Given "I have entered 3"
Undefined step: "I have entered 3"
=> #<Cucumber::Undefined: Undefined step: "I have entered 3">
irb(CRB:3):002:0> Given "I have entered 3 into the calculator"
=> [3]
irb(CRB:3):003:0> Given "I have entered 5 into the calculator"
=> [3, 5]
irb(CRB:3):004:0> Then "I press add"
=> 8
irb(CRB:3):005:0> @calc
=> #<Calculator:0x7faa0a3e5218 @args=[3, 5]>
You can operate your variables directly .
irb(CRB:3):006:0> @calc.push 1
=> [3, 5, 1]
irb(CRB:3):007:0> Then "I press add"
=> 9
I18N keywords are also available.
% cd examples/i18n/ja
% crb
irb(CRB:3):001:0> 前提 "3 を入力"
=> [3]
irb(CRB:3):002:0> @calc
=> #<Calculator:0x7ff45ecdbc70 @args=[3]>
% mkdir my-project
% crb my-project
irb(CRB:0):001:0> Given "ab"
Undefined step: "ab"
=> #<Cucumber::Undefined: Undefined step: "ab">
irb(CRB:0):002:0> Given(/^(..)$/){|i| p "Two chars for you! #{i}"}
=> "/^(..)$/ is defined"
irb(CRB:1):003:0> Given "ab"
"Two chars for you! ab"
World Methods
Above crb(irb) context is a same object with cuke's world.
And there are following additional methods.
* before : execute before hooks. returns message (String)
* after : execute after hooks. returns message (String)
* steps : returns step definitions (Array[RbStepDefinition])
* support: returns support code object (Runtime::SupportCode)
* hooks : returns hooks (Hash[type=>Array[RbHook]])
* rb : returns ruby language support object (RbLanguage)
* Hooks are not called automatically because crb is free from
scenarios. Otherwise if hooks are called in each invokes,
we'll never succeed to "add" operation in above calculator.
* "before", "after" methods are the manual triggers for hooks.
And "Ctl-C" is binded as "before" filter too.
* To implement CRB, there are many ugly codes that closely
depend on cuke's internal structures like private methods
and instance vars. So it'll break soon after cuke's update.
Tested on ruby-1.8.7, cucumber-1.0.0