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Handy console tool for developers to manage Rails credentials.


Rails credentials is a nice tool to store encrypted credentials directly in your repo. Starting with Rails 6.0 it brings multi environment credentials feature that allows us to split credentials into separate files.

But it also brought a lot of pain for developers:

  • Each enviroment credentials file must have a complete list of all keys. It's easy to forget to add a key into one of the environments (see set and delete command)
  • You have to manually open each environment file. It's ok for one file but not for 3 or more. It also brings mistakes you might miss until deploy to production. (see set and delete command)
  • Merge conflicts become a hell since files are encrypted (see conflicts command)
  • You can't easily see what keys were added/changed/deleted in the current branch (see diff command)

This gem is designed to solve all these problems and make life easier for developers who use multi environment credentials.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'credman'


List of all commands:

credman help

bundle exec credman
bundle exec credman help
bundle exec credman usage
Output ``` Commands: credman conflicts # Help to resolve merge conflicts for credentials credman delete KEYS # Delete keys for given environments credman diff [BRANCH] # Show credentials diff between given branch (heroku by default) and current changes credman get KEYS # Find keys in credentials files for each environment credman list # List of all keys for each environment credman set KEY VALUE # Set a value to the key provided for given environments ```

Details of any command:

bundle exec credman set -h
Output ``` Command: credman set Usage: credman set KEY VALUE Description: Set a value to the key provided for given environments Arguments: KEY # REQUIRED VALUE # REQUIRED Options: --environments=VALUE1,VALUE2,.., -e VALUE # filter for environments, default: [] --help, -h ```

credman list

List all your keys for all environments.

bundle exec credman list
Output ``` development: aws.api_key: 123 ... test: aws.api_key: nil ... production: aws.api_key: nil ... ```

credman get

Getting a particular key's values.

bundle exec credman get google.recaptcha.secret circle_ci.token
Output ``` development: google.recaptcha.secret: nil circle_ci.token: test: google.recaptcha.secret: nil circle_ci.token: nil production: google.recaptcha.secret: circle_ci.token: ```

credman set

Add/change a value for a particular key. -e attribute is mandatory for this command.

bundle exec credman set new_service.super_key new_secret_value -e development,test,production
Output ``` development: new_service.super_key: ADDED: new_secret_value test: new_service.super_key: ADDED: new_secret_value production: new_service.super_key: ADDED: new_secret_value ```

credman delete

Delete for keys. -e attribute is mandatory for this command.

bundle exec credman delete new_service.super_key new_service.another_key -e development,test,production
Output ``` development: new_service.super_key: ✅ deleted new_service.another_key: ❌ key not found, can't delete test: new_service.super_key: ✅ deleted new_service.another_key: ❌ key not found, can't delete production: new_service.super_key: ✅ deleted new_service.another_key: ❌ key not found, can't delete ```

credman diff

Shows all keys changed compared with main branch by default. You can set the default branch by adding config/credman.yml file with default_diff_branch: your_branch You can specify any branch from origin you want to. For example credman diff my_branch

bundle exec credman diff
Output ``` development: new_service.super_key: ADDED: "new_secret_value" test: new_service.super_key: ADDED: "new_secret_value" production: new_service.super_key: ADDED: "new_secret_value" ```

credman conflicts

Run it if you have merge conflicts in configs/credentials/*.yml.enc. That interactive tool will help you resolve the conflict. In most of cases it will just automagically resolve the conflicts. In case of a key was changed in both branches it will ask you to choose the correct value.

bundle exec credman conflicts
Output ``` development: ❗️ The key another_key changed in both branches, their: "another_value", our: "conflicting_value" Which one should we use? Please type `their` or `our` to apply particular change or enter to abort. > their ✅ another_key set as "another_value" ✅ Merged config for rspec has been saved resolves conflict with user input ```


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.