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css_inline is a high-performance library for inlining CSS into HTML 'style' attributes.

This library is designed for scenarios such as preparing HTML emails or embedding HTML into third-party web pages.

For instance, the library transforms HTML like this:

    <style>h1 { color:blue; }</style>
    <h1>Big Text</h1>


    <h1 style="color:blue;">Big Text</h1>
  • Uses reliable components from Mozilla's Servo project
  • Inlines CSS from style and link tags
  • Removes style and link tags
  • Resolves external stylesheets (including local files)
  • Optionally caches external stylesheets
  • Can process multiple documents in parallel
  • Works on Linux, Windows, and macOS
  • Supports HTML5 & CSS3
  • Tested on Ruby 2.7 and 3.2.


If you'd like to try css-inline, you can check the WebAssembly-powered playground to see the results instantly.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'css_inline'


To inline CSS in an HTML document:

require 'css_inline'

html = "<html><head><style>h1 { color:blue; }</style></head><body><h1>Big Text</h1></body></html>"
inlined = CSSInline.inline(html)

puts inlined
# Outputs: "<html><head></head><body><h1 style=\"color:blue;\">Big Text</h1></body></html>"

Note that css-inline automatically adds missing html and body tags, so the output is a valid HTML document.

Alternatively, you can inline CSS into an HTML fragment, preserving the original structure:

require 'css_inline'

fragment = """
<p>who am i</p>

css = """
p {
    color: red;

h1 {
    color: blue;

inlined = CSSInline.inline_fragment(fragment, css)

puts inlined
# HTML becomes this:
# <main>
# <h1 style="color: blue;">Hello</h1>
# <section>
# <p style="color: red;">who am i</p>
# </section>
# </main>

When there is a need to inline multiple HTML documents simultaneously, css_inline offers inline_many and inline_many_fragments functions. This feature allows for concurrent processing of several inputs, significantly improving performance when dealing with a large number of documents.

require 'css_inline'

inlined = CSSInline.inline_many(["...", "..."])

Under the hood, inline_many, spawns threads at the Rust layer to handle the parallel processing of inputs. This results in faster execution times compared to employing parallel processing techniques at the Ruby level.

Note: To fully benefit from inline_many, you should run your application on a multicore machine.


For customization options use the CSSInliner class:

require 'css_inline'

inliner = CSSInline::CSSInliner.new(keep_style_tags: true)
  • inline_style_tags. Specifies whether to inline CSS from "style" tags. Default: true
  • keep_style_tags. Specifies whether to keep "style" tags after inlining. Default: false
  • keep_link_tags. Specifies whether to keep "link" tags after inlining. Default: false
  • base_url. The base URL used to resolve relative URLs. If you'd like to load stylesheets from your filesystem, use the file:// scheme. Default: nil
  • load_remote_stylesheets. Specifies whether remote stylesheets should be loaded. Default: true
  • cache. Specifies caching options for external stylesheets (for example, StylesheetCache(size: 5)). Default: nil
  • extra_css. Extra CSS to be inlined. Default: nil
  • preallocate_node_capacity. Advanced. Preallocates capacity for HTML nodes during parsing. This can improve performance when you have an estimate of the number of nodes in your HTML document. Default: 32

You can also skip CSS inlining for an HTML tag by adding the data-css-inline="ignore" attribute to it:

  <style>h1 { color:blue; }</style>
  <!-- The tag below won't receive additional styles -->
  <h1 data-css-inline="ignore">Big Text</h1>

The data-css-inline="ignore" attribute also allows you to skip link and style tags:

  <!-- Styles below are ignored -->
  <style data-css-inline="ignore">h1 { color:blue; }</style>
  <h1>Big Text</h1>

Alternatively, you may keep style from being removed by using the data-css-inline="keep" attribute. This is useful if you want to keep @media queries for responsive emails in separate style tags:

  <!-- Styles below are not removed -->
  <style data-css-inline="keep">h1 { color:blue; }</style>
  <h1>Big Text</h1>

Such tags will be kept in the resulting HTML even if the keep_style_tags option is set to false.

If you'd like to load stylesheets from your filesystem, use the file:// scheme:

require 'css_inline'

# styles/email is relative to the current directory
inliner = CSSInline::CSSInliner.new(base_url: "file://styles/email/")

You can also cache external stylesheets to avoid excessive network requests:

require 'css_inline'

inliner = CSSInline::CSSInliner.new(
    cache: CSSInline::StylesheetCache.new(size: 5)

Caching is disabled by default.


Leveraging efficient tools from Mozilla's Servo project, this library delivers superior performance. It consistently outperforms premailer, offering speed increases often exceeding 50 times.

The table below provides a detailed comparison between css_inline and premailer when inlining CSS into an HTML document (like in the Usage section above):

Size css_inline 0.14.0 premailer 1.21.0 with Nokogiri 1.15.2 Difference
Basic usage 230 B 8.82 µs 417.84 µs 47.37x
Realistic email 1 8.58 KB 160.37 µs 10.15 ms 63.32x
Realistic email 2 4.3 KB 102.88 µs Error: Cannot parse 0 calc((100% - 500px) / 2) -
GitHub Page 1.81 MB 237.03 ms 3.02 s 12.78x

Please refer to the test/bench.rb file to review the benchmark code. The results displayed above were measured using stable rustc 1.77.1 on Ruby 3.2.2.

Further reading

If you want to know how this library was created & how it works internally, you could take a look at these articles:


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.