= Csv2sql -- convert comma-separated-values files to sql

Csv2sql class goes deeper into conversion process of csv files, ie:

puts Csv2sql.new("test.csv").to_inserts(:bulk => true)


start tramsaction;
insert into test_csv values
(1, "test 1"),
(2, "test 2"),
(3, "test 3"),
(4, "test 4");


puts Csv2sql.new("account_balances.csv").to_updates([nil, 'balance'], :table => 'accounts')


start transaction;
update accounts set balance = "0" where id = "0345S";
update accounts set balance = "3301.37" where id = "0252S";
update accounts set balance = "11903.33" where id = "0345G";
update accounts set balance = "47028.32" where id = "0324G";

You can use optional arguments, ie:

:bulk - to get bulk inserts


For more details see api docs.

== Download

The latest version of Csv2sql can be found at

* http://mirekrusin.com/ruby/csv2sql

Documentation can be found at

* http://mirekrusin.com/ruby/csv2sql

== Installation

The preferred method of installing Csv2sql is through its GEM file. You'll need to have
RubyGems[http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl] installed for that, though. If you have it,
then use:

% [sudo] gem install csv2sql.gem

== License

Csv2sql is released under the LGPL license.

== Support

The Csv2sql homepage is http://mirekrusin.com/ruby/csv2sql

For other information, feel free to ask on the ruby-talk mailing list
(which is mirrored to comp.lang.ruby) or contact mailto:[email protected]