Danger Samsao

A Danger plugin bringing Samsao's PR guideline into code.


Simply add danger-samsao to your Gemfile and configure your Dangerfile using all the nice goodies.

Quick Start

Here a sample Dangerfile that you can use to bootstrap your project:

## Config
samsao.config do
  sources '.*'

## Errors

## Warnings

## Messages
unless status_report[:errors].empty?
  message 'If this was a trivial change, typo fix or tooling related, ' \
          'you can add #trivial, #typo or #tool respectively in your PR title.'


Methods and attributes from this plugin are available in your Dangerfile under the samsao namespace.

Table of Contents


Some of the actions of this plugin can be configured by project to make stuff easier. This is done by using the config attributes the plugin:

samsao.config do
  changelogs 'CHANGELOG.yml'
  project_type :library
  sources 'app/src'


Defaults: [CHANGELOG.md]

Enable to change the CHANGELOG file paths looked upon when checking if CHANGELOG file has been modified or not.

Project Type

Defaults: :application

Change the kind of project your are currently developing. This settings affects these actions and helpers:

See the exact actions or helpers for precise details about implications.


Default: []

Enable to change which paths are considered has being source files of the project. Multiple entries can be passed. Accepts multiple entries to be passed:

samsao.config do
  sources 'common/src', 'web/src'

Each source entry can be a Regexp

sources /^(common|mobile|web|/src)/

Or a pure String. When a pure string, matches start of git modified files list:

  sources 'common/src'

Would match common/src/a/b.txt but not other/common/src/a/b.txt.


Here all the actions you can call in your own Dangerfile and how to configure them.

Branching Model


Going to make the PR fails when the branch does not respect the git branching model. We follow git flow branching model and failure will occurs if the branch name does not start with one of the following prefixes:

  • fix/
  • bugfix/
  • hotfix/
  • feature/
  • release/
  • support/

CHANGELOG Update Missing


This action reports a failure when a PR is made that is not flagged as a trivial change and the changelog (based on changelogs config options) has not been modified.

When the project is of type :application, a change made to a support branch will not trigger a failure even if the changelog is not updated.

Feature Branch Multiple Commits


Going to make the PR fails when it's a feature branch (starts with feature/) and the PR contains more than one commit.

Merge Commit(s) Detected


Going to make the PR fails when one or multipl merge commits are detcted. A merge commit is one created when merging two branches and matching the regexp ^Merge branch '<base branch>' where <base branch> is the branch the PR is being merged into (usually develop).

Use a Git rebase to get rid of those commits and correctly sync up with develop branch.

Work in Progress PR


Going to mark PR as in warning state when PR title contains the [WIP] marker


Changelog Modified?


When no arguments are given, returns true if any configured changelogs has been modified in this commit.

When one or more arguments is given, returns true if any given changelog entry file has been modified in this commit.

Has App Changes?


When no arguments are given, returns true if any configured source files has been modified in this commit.

When one or more arguments is given, uses same rules as for source files (see section for details) and returns true if any given source entry files has been modified in this commit.

Feature Branch?


Returns true if the PR branch starts with feature/.

Fix Branch?


Returns true if the PR branch starts with fix/, bugfix/ or hotfix/.

Release Branch?


Returns true if the PR branch starts with release/.

Support Branch?


Returns true if the PR branch starts with support/.

Trivial Change?


Returns true if the PR title contains #trivial, #typo or #typos.


You must have Ruby and Bundler installed to develop this project as well as a GitHub token (see Testing section below).

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run bundle install to setup dependencies.
  3. Run bundle exec rake to run the linters and the tests (See notes below about testing).
  4. Use bundle exec guard to automatically have tests run as you make changes.
  5. Make your changes.
  6. Send PR.


Prior running test, you need to setup a GitHub API token. Connect to GitHub and then go to your profile's settings page. There, go to Developer Settings > Personal access tokens and click the Generate new token button. Enter a Description for the token something like Danger Testing and then check the repo box (Full control of private repositories) then click Generate at the bottom of the page.

Once you have the token, make it available as an environment variable named DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN. Preferred way is to use a .env file at the root of this project. Simply do cp .env.example .env and edit the copied .env and enter the token to the side of DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN line.


The release process is quite simple. It consists of doing a release commit, run a rake task and finally doing a bump to next version commit and push it. Assume for the rest of this section that we are releasing version 0.1.0 and today's date is May 1st, 2017. Terminal commands are given, but feel free to use SourceTree or anything else.

Start by checking out the develop branch and ensure you are up-to-date with remote

git checkout develop
git pull

Once on the branch, modify CHANGELOG.md so that In progress is replaced by the current version and released date ## 0.1.0 (May 1, 2017). Then modify lib/samsao/gem_version.rb to ensure the version is set to current value VERSION = '0.1.0'.freeze. Lastly, run bundle install just to ensure Gemfile.lock has correct new version also.

With all these changes, make a release commit and use the following normalized text as the commit message:

Released version 0.1.0

Once the commit is done, simply run bundle exec rake release. This will ask you for the Samsao's RubyGems credentials (only if it's your first release, ask a system administrator to get them). It will create a tag on the current commit of the current branch (should be the release commit made earlier) named v0.1.0. And it will finally push the branch & tag to the repository as well as building and publishing the gem on RubyGems.

Last thing to do is bumping to next development version. Edit back CHANGELOG.md so that ## In progress is the new section header and add a bunch of empty lines (around 10, only 2 shown in the example for brevity) into single Features section (add other sections when updating the CHANGELOG). Each line should be starting with a space followed by a star:

## In progress

#### Features



## 0.1.0 (May 1, 2017)

Also edit lib/samsao/gem_version.rb so that next development version value is used VERSION = '0.1.1.pre1'.freeze. The .pre1 is the lowest possible version before the official 0.1.1 one (or higher).

Commit all this changes together in a new commit that has the following message:

Bumped to next development version

Finally, create a PR with this branch and open a pull request and merge right away (your team mates should known in advance that a release is happening and branch merged faster than other ones).