
DATA-Archived RuBy script: deploy your main and lib files in one executable ruby script file.

Darb packages a main script and some library scripts into one script file. The library files are appended to the DATA section. Darb cannot handle binary files, such as .so or .dll.

This is useful if you want to pass around a script and not worry about what versions of libraries it might find, or when you want to break a script up into smaller files, but avoid the resulting deployment hassles: unpackaging and keeping files together.


Install as gem:

gem install 'darb'

or simply copy bin/darb into your bin dir.


Please see bin/darb for detailed documentation, or run with the -h or --help switch.

See also

Mauricio Fernandez' file FS based on ruby's DATA feature: http://eigenclass.org/hiki.rb?cmd=view&p=pure+ruby+compiler&key=block


Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Joel VanderWerf, mailto:[email protected].

License is BSD. See COPYING.