Data Loader

Data Loader is a tool to load CSV files into a MySQL database. It was designed to import raw data into tables that could then be manipulated with SQL.


  • Uses MySQL LOAD DATA to efficiently load very large files
  • Fastercsv is used to inspect the first few rows and choose datatypes
  • Datatypes can be overridden (types are :text, :string, :datetime, :integer)
  • Converts header row in to nice ruby-esque column names
  • Builds a schema using ActiveRecord
  • If table names are unspecified, they will be derived from the file name
  • Will prefix table names to avoid collisions (it overwrites existing tables)
  • Can run under a different connection, as defined in your database.yml
  • Appends data structure to data_loader.textile. Put this file in version control to see the differences when your source CSV files change.


# Configure (everything has defaults, see loader.rb)
loader = do |config|
  config.table_prefix = :import
  config.folder = 'path/to/csv/files/'
  config.inspect_rows = 10
  config.connection = :development
  config.separator = ','
  config.default_ext = 'csv'
  config.use_local = true

# Load data
loader.load 'my_csv_file', :my_table, :cancel_at => :datetime


  • A task to clean up all these temporary tables when we're done.

  • Broader support for Rubies, Databases, and ORM/tools for building the schema.

  • More options for the log file (txt vs textile, filename).

  • Better tests!