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Image of DB to SNS

DbBlaster can either publish changed database rows to AWS SNS or push the changes to S#. The first time DbBlaster::PublishAllJob.perform_later is ran, the entire database will be incrementally published. Subsequent runs will publish rows whose updated_at column is more recent than the last run.

Consuming the published messages is functionality not provided by DbBlaster.


Update config/initializers/db_blaster_config.rb with valid AWS credentials and options. Either sns_topic or s3_bucket must be set!

Schedule DbBlaster::PublishAllJob.perform_later to run periodically with something like sidekiq-cron or whenever


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'db_blaster'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Install Migrations:

$ rake db_blaster:install:migrations && rake db:migrate

Copy sample config file to rails project:

rails g db_blaster:install 


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.