Decoct: Quick start Sinatra with Rspec
Decoct is a simple gem that creates a sinatra app directory structure and hooks it up with Rspec.
Install the gem: sudo gem install andhapp-decoct -s (on Mac)
The gem depends on the following libraries:
- rspec
- ZenTest
- redgreen
- rcov
growl is the Mac OS X messaging system and there are a plethora of articles detailing its installation. Google 'growl Mac OS X' and you would definitely encounter some useful results.
Assuming that you have installed the gem. Use the command line and go to the directory where you would like to create the new project and run the following command:
decoct project-name
This would create a sinatra project with all the rspec dependencies. If a directory with the same name exists it will overwrite it. Just go into the directory on your command line and run the following command:
RSPEC=true autotest
In order to run the test, please do ruby -rubygems test/decoct/ts_script.rb which makes the test independent of rubygems.
To move the gem to gemcutter