Defra Ruby Govpay Ruby Gem

The defra-ruby-govpay gem facilitates seamless integration with GovPay services, specifically tailored for DEFRA's WCR and WEX applications. It aims to abstract the integration code, offering a flexible and adaptable solution that requires minimal assumptions about the application's data models.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Usage
  4. Error Handling
  5. Testing


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'defra-ruby-govpay'

And then execute

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install defra-ruby-govpay


Before you start using the gem, you need to configure it according to your requirements. Create an initializer file (e.g., config/initializers/govpay.rb) and set the necessary parameters:

DefraRubyGovpay.configure do |config|
  config.govpay_url = ''
  config.govpay_front_office_api_token = 'your-front-office-token'
  config.govpay_back_office_api_token = 'your-back-office-token'
  # ... any other configurations


Here is a detailed guide on how to use the various components of the defra-ruby-govpay gem in your application:

Sending a Request

You can send requests to the GovPay API using the send_request method. Here's an example:

After having followed the configuration step, create an API instance. This has a mandatory parameter to indicate whether the host is a back-office application, in which case any payments it creates will be flagged as MOTO.

govpay_api = false)

  response = govpay_api.send_request(
    method: :get,
    path: '/path/to/endpoint',
    params: { param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2' },
    is_moto: false
  puts "Response received: #{response}"
rescue DefraRubyGovpay::GovpayApiError => e
  puts "An error occurred: #{e.message}"

Error Handling

Errors are handled through the DefraRubyGovpay::GovpayApiError class. Here's an example of how you can handle errors:

  # some code that might raise an error
rescue DefraRubyGovpay::GovpayApiError => e
  puts "An error occurred: #{e.message}"


bundle exec rspec