
Use linguist to check the contents of a local repository, and then scan for dependabot-core ecosystems relevant to those languages! With the list of ecosystems present in a repository, add a dependabot.y[a]ml (configuration file).

Getting Started

Linguist dependencies;

Before installing this gem, which will install the github-linguist gem, linguists dependencies should be installed. A number of these are enabling rugged, so they can't be "ignored" like dependabot's setup, which can be ignored for the purpose of this gem, which only intends to use the file fetchers.

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config libicu-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev ruby-dev

Install this

To install the latest from RubyGems;

gem install dependabot-linguist

Or to install from GitHub's hosted gems;

gem install dependabot-linguist --source ""

Or add to the Gemfile

Add the RubyGems hosted gem with bundler;

bundle add dependabot-linguist

Or add the following line to your Gemfile manually

gem "dependabot-linguist", ">= 0.212.0

Add the GitHub hosted gem;

source "" do
  gem "dependabot-linguist", ">= 0.212.0"


The two main classes this provides, ::Dependabot::Linguist::Repository and ::Dependabot::Linguist::DependabotFileValidator, can be utilised independently, although the intention is that they be utilised together; to discover the contents of a repository that should be watched with a dependabot file by Repository, and subsequently using DependabotFileValidator to edit an existing, or add a new, dependabot file to watch the directories that were validated earlier. There is also a CLI tool, dependabot-linguist, that wraps these classes and surfaces all the available options to them, although adding automated tests for the executable is still a #TODO.

Use the classes in a ruby script, with defaults

require "dependabot/linguist"
# Get the list of directories validated for each ecosystem.
@repo_path = "." # "here"
@repo_name = "Skenvy/dependabot-linguist" # If it were evaluating this repo!
@this_repo =, @repo_name)
# Use this list to see what the recommended update to the existing (or add new) config is.
@validator =
@validator.load_ecosystem_directories(incoming: @this_repo.directories_per_ecosystem_validated_by_dependabot)
# If you trust it to write the new config;
# If you have git, and the gh cli tool installed and configured, and trust this
# tool to handle branching, commiting, pushing, and raising a pull request;

Use the CLI

# With no flags, it'll run "here", and print out the recommended new config.
# With -w, it'll write the file. You can also specify a path.
dependabot-linguist ../../some/other/repo -w
# With -x, you'll be trusting it to raise a pull request of the recommended config.
# You can also specify a name, which will be required if there isn't a "origin" remote.
dependabot-linguist ../../some/other/repo Username/Reponame -x

RDoc generated docs


The first time setup

git clone && cd dependabot-linguist && make setup

Iterative development

The majority of make recipes for this are just wrapping a bundle invocation of rake.

  • make docs will recreate the RDoc docs
  • make test will run both the RSpec tests and the RuboCop linter.