Rails plugin to add DFP tags to your site.
AKA Dart for Publishers Small Business, Google Ad Manager, Google Publisher Tags, GPT…
$ gem install dfp_helper
In your layout between <head></head> put:
<%= dfp_helper_head %>
In your views:
<%= dfp_helper_slot '/1010898/sglinks_160x600' %>
Size needs to be declared if it cannot be guessed from the slot name:
<%= dfp_helper_slot '/11800773/moneymoney', {:size => [728,90]} %>
Supports targeting options:
<%= dfp_helper_slot '/11800773/moneymoney', {:size => [728,90], :targeting => {:host => 'sgforums.com', :countries => ['Singapore', 'Malaysia']}} %>
Slots in layout
If you have ad slots in your layout, you will need to make the calls to ‘dfp_helper_slot’ before ‘dfp_helper_head’, capture the output and then display it in the layout after.
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.