Directly To S3


  • Rails 3.1


Inserts an S3 upload field anywhere in a document


gem install directlytos3
export S3_KEY="<your key>"
export S3_SECRET_KEY="<your secret key>"


= s3_form_for, :id => "tester3", :bucket => 'thisismybucket', :builder => TwitterBootstrapFormFor::FormBuilder do |f|
  = f.file_field :hello
= s3_field_tag 'name', :bucket => 'thisismybucket', :key => "test", :randomize => true, :redirect => "http://localhost", :remote => true

You can use either helper, though if you do use s3_form_for and you add any other input fields it will fail. This was mainly implemented so you could use builders and adjust the style easily. In addition, if you use s3_form_for you have to add the file_field. This was done for the reasons above as well.


A full list of options that can be passed to the helpers are listed below

  • bucket: The name of the bucket
  • secret_key: The secret key, though you could probably put this in the environment variables
  • public_key: The public access key, likewise with this as well
  • key: The path (not excluding the final '/')
  • redirect: Where to redirect
  • acl: public-read|public|private
  • max_filesize: The maximum file size
  • randomize: Add a leading random string to avoid collisions
  • path: If you need to proxy the request using ajax
  • cache_control: in seconds


  • Specs