Disqus API for Ruby

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Provides clean Disqus REST API for your Ruby app. Currently supported API version: 3.0.

Rails >3.0 is also supported.


bash gem install disqus_api


If you are not using Rails:

```ruby require ‘disqus_api’

DisqusApi.config = ‘secret key’, api_key: ‘public key’, access_token: ‘token from app settings’ ```

For Rails users:

Put in your config/disqus_api.yml:

```yaml development: api_secret: development_secret_key api_key: ‘public key’ access_token: ‘token from app settings’

production: api_secret: production_secret_key api_key: ‘public key’ access_token: ‘token from app settings’

… any other env



ruby DisqusApi.v3.users.details # => {"code" => 0, "response" => { # "isFollowing"=>false, # "isFollowedBy"=>false, "connections"=>{}, "isPrimary"=>true, "id"=>"84792962" # ... # }

Use response to get response body

ruby DisqusApi.v3.users.details.response # => { # "isFollowing"=>false, # "isFollowedBy"=>false, "connections"=>{}, "isPrimary"=>true, "id"=>"84792962" # ... # }

Alias #body for response body

ruby DisqusApi.v3.users.details.body # => { # "isFollowing"=>false, # "isFollowedBy"=>false, "connections"=>{}, "isPrimary"=>true, "id"=>"84792962" # # ... # }

Setting additional parameters to a query

ruby DisqusApi.v3.posts.list(forum: 'my_form')

Fetching full collections

By default Disqus API limits returning collections by 25 records per requests. The maximum limit you can set is 100. In order to fetch all records from a collection use #all method:

ruby DisqusApi.v3.posts.list(forum: 'my_form').all


Step by step:

```ruby first_page = DisqusApi.v3.posts.list(forum: ‘my_forum’, limit: 10)

second_page = first_page.next third_page = second_page.next first_page = third_page.prev.prev # … ```

It is useful to go through all records. This way you will pass every page in batches by 10:

ruby DisqusApi.v3.posts.list(limit: 10).each_resource do |comment| puts comment.inspect end

You can also iterate collection page by page.

ruby DisqusApi.v3.posts.each_page do |comments| comments.each do |comment| puts comment.inspect end end

You can also move on next page:

ruby response = DisqusApi.v3.posts response.next!

Or on previous one:

ruby response.prev!

Performing custom requests

ruby DisqusApi.v3.get('posts/list.json', forum: 'my_forum') DisqusApi.v3.post('posts/create.json', forum: 'my_forum')

Handling exceptions

Just catch DisqusApi::InvalidApiRequestError. It has code to identify problems with a request.

```ruby begin DisqusApi.v3.posts.list(forum: ‘something-wrong’) rescue DisqusApi::InvalidApiRequestError => e e.response.inspect end

=> “response”=>”Invalid argument, ‘forum’: Unable to find forum ‘something-wrong’”


Using in test environment

```ruby before :all do # You can move this block in RSpec initializer or spec_helper.rb

DisqusApi.stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(‘/api/3.0/users/details.json’) { [200, {}, 0, body: {response: :whatever}.to_json] } end end

it ‘performs requests’ do DisqusApi.v3.users.details[‘code’].should == 0 end ```

Disqus API uses Faraday gem, refer to its documentation for details.

Running specs

Use any of the following commands from the project directory:

bash rspec

ruby rake # rake gem must be installed

In order to test on a real Disqus account - specify spec/config/disqus.yml (see spec/config/disqus.yml.example for details) - run specs passing USE_DISQUS_ACCOUNT environment variable:


Contributing to disqus_api

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.