
A mixin for Datamapper models that enables geographic functionality.

  • Search for content via DataMapper-style query methods, e.g. Location.all(:address.near => => ‘Portland, OR’, :distance => 5.mi)

  • Sort by distance easily: Location.all(:address.near => => ‘Portland, OR’, :distance => 5.mi, :order => [:address_distance.desc])

  • Ability to specify multiple fields that are geocodable (mostly)


Basic Class Definition:

class Location

include DataMapper::Resource
include DataMapper::GeoKit
property :id, Serial
has_geographic_location :address


This will automatically generate fields and methods for use with the DM Object, prefixed with the field name specified. Since the above example used the field :address, the following fields would be generated:

  • address_street_address

  • address_city

  • address_state

  • address_zip

  • address_country_code

  • address_full_address

  • address_lat

  • address_lng

You can either reference those fields directly, or use the proxy object returned by calling .address on your object:

l = Location.all(:address.near => => ‘Portland, OR’, :distance => 5.mi)

l.each do |loc|

puts loc.address # .to_s yields string representation of full address, e.g. "12345 My St. Portland, OR USA"
puts loc.address.inspect # the proxy object, GeographicLocation, with matching methods for each property
puts loc.address.street_address # getting the street_address from the proxy object
puts loc.address_street_address # directly access the SQL column


The GeographicLocation proxy object is a convenience to allow you to compare and sort results in Ruby.


  • geokit >= 1.5.0

  • dm-core >= 0.10.1

  • dm-aggregates >= 0.10.1