A DataMapper adapter for REST Web Services
DM Rest Adapter requires the use of a model which is the same name as the resource you are using. For example, if you have a resource named “posts” you will create a standard datamapper object called post.rb in app/models. The only difference in this model is you will need to define the rest adapter for the model.
The following is an example of a post model, where the host settings point to the app you are running the resource on. In addition I have included a basic auth login which will be used if your resource requires auth:
DataMapper.setup(:default, {
:adapter => 'rest',
:format => 'xml',
:host => 'localhost',
:port => 4000,
:login => 'user',
:password => 'verys3crit'
class Post
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :title, String
property :body, Text
If you notice this looks exactly like a normal datmapper model. Every property you define will map itself with the xml returned or posted from/to the resource.
Now for some code examples. DM Rest Adapter uses the same methods as datamapper including during creation.
# => returns the object from the resouce
# => returns the object from the resource
p = => "My awesome blog post", :body => "I really have nothing to say...")
# => saves the resource on the remote
Posts do not honor RESTful HTTP status codes. I might fix this…
Nested resources Put verb actions