RabbitMQ HTTP API Client for Ruby

This gem is a RabbitMQ HTTP API Client for Ruby. It supports

  • Getting cluster overview information
  • Getting cluster nodes status (# file descriptors used, RAM consumption and so on)
  • Getting information about exchanges, queues, bindings
  • Closing client connections
  • Getting information about vhosts, users, permissions

and will support more HTTP API features in the future

  • Publishing messages via HTTP
  • Operations on components/extensions
  • Operations on federation policies

Supported Ruby Versions

  • MRI 1.9.3
  • JRuby 1.7+
  • Rubinius 2.0+
  • MRI 1.9.2
  • MRI 1.8.7

Supported RabbitMQ Versions

  • RabbitMQ 3.x
  • RabbitMQ 2.x

All versions require RabbitMQ Management UI plugin to be installed and enabled.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rabbitmq_http_api_client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rabbitmq_http_api_client


To require the client:

require "rabbitmq/http/client"

Specifying Endpoint and Credentials

Use RabbitMQ::HTTP::Client#connect to specify RabbitMQ HTTP API endpoint (e.g. and credentials:

require "rabbitmq/http/client"

endpoint = ""
client = RabbitMQ::HTTP::Client.new(endpoint, :username => "guest", :password => "guest")

Client API Design Overview

All client methods return arrays or hash-like structures that can be used like JSON, via Hash#[] or regular method access:

r = client.overview

puts r[:rabbitmq_version]
puts r.erlang_version

Node and Cluster Status

# Get cluster information overview
h     = client.overview

# List cluster nodes with detailed status info for each one of them
nodes = client.list_nodes
n     = nodes.first
puts n.sockets_used
puts n.mem_used
puts n.run_queue

# Get detailed status of a node
n     = client.node_info("rabbit@localhost")
puts n.disk_free
puts n.proc_used
puts n.fd_total

# Get Management Plugin extension list
xs    = client.list_extensions 

# List all the entities (vhosts, queues, exchanges, bindings, users, etc)
defs  = client.list_definitions

Operations on Connections

# List all connections to a node
conns = client.list_connections
conn  = conns.first
puts conn.name
puts conn.client_properties.product

# Get a connection information by name
conns = client.list_connections
conn  = client.connection_info(conns.first.name)
puts conn.name
puts conn.client_properties.product

# Forcefully close a connection
conns = client.list_connections

Operations on Channels

# List all channels
channs = client.list_channels
ch     = channs.first
puts ch.number
puts ch.prefetch_count
puts ch.name

# Get a channel information by name
conns = client.list_channels
conn  = client.channel_info(conns.first.name)
puts conn.name

Operations on Exchanges

# List all exchanges in the cluster
xs = client.list_exchanges
x  = xs.first

puts x.type
puts x.name
puts x.vhost
puts x.durable
puts x.auto_delete

# List all exchanges in a vhost
xs = client.list_exchanges("myapp.production")
x  = xs.first

puts x.type
puts x.name
puts x.vhost

# Get information about an exchange in a vhost
x  = client.exchange_info("/", "log.events")

puts x.type
puts x.name
puts x.vhost

# List all exchanges in a vhost for which an exchange is the source
client.list_bindings_by_source("/", "log.events")

# List all exchanges in a vhost for which an exchange is the destination
client.list_bindings_by_destination("/", "command.handlers.email")

Operations on Queues

# List all queues in a node
qs = client.list_queues
q  = qs.first

puts q.name
puts q.auto_delete
puts q.durable
puts q.backing_queue_status
puts q.active_consumers

# Declare a queue
client.declare_queue("/", "collector1.megacorp.local", :durable => false, :auto_delete => true)

# Delete a queue
client.delete_queue("/", "collector1.megacorp.local")

# List bindings for a queue
bs = client.list_queue_bindings("/", "collector1.megacorp.local")

# Purge a queue
client.purge_queue("/", "collector1.megacorp.local")

# Fetch messages from a queue
ms = client.get_messages("/", "collector1.megacorp.local", :count => 10, :requeue => false, :encoding => "auto")
m  = ms.first

puts m.properties.content_type
puts m.payload
puts m.payload_encoding

Operations on Bindings

# List all bindings
bs = client.list_bindings
b  = bs.first

puts b.destination
puts b.destination_type
puts b.source
puts b.routing_key
puts b.vhost

# List all bindings in a vhost
bs = client.list_bindings("/")

# List all binsings between an exchange and a queue
bs = client.list_bindings_between_queue_and_exchange("/", "collector1.megacorp.local", "log.events")

Operations on Vhosts

# List all vhosts
vs = client.list_vhosts
v  = vs.first

puts v.name
puts v.tracing

# Get information about a vhost
v  = client.vhost_info("/")

puts v.name
puts v.tracing

# Create a vhost

# Delete a vhost

Operations on Users

# List all users
us = client.list_users
u  = us.first

puts u.name
puts u.password_hash
puts u.tags

# Get information about a user
u  = client.("guest")

puts u.name
puts u.password_hash
puts u.tags

# Update information about a user
client.update_user("myapp", :tags => "services", :password => "t0ps3krEt")

# Delete a user

Operations on Permissions

# List all permissions
ps = client.list_permissions

puts p.user
puts p.read
puts p.write
puts p.configure
puts p.vhost

# List all permissions in a vhost
ps = client.list_permissions("/")

puts p.user
puts p.read
puts p.write
puts p.configure
puts p.vhost

# List permissions of a user
ps = client.user_permissions("guest")

# List permissions of a user in a vhost
ps = client.list_permissions_of("/", "guest")

# Update permissions of a user in a vhost
ps = client.update_permissions_of("/", "guest", :write => ".*", :read => ".*", :configure => ".*")

# Clear permissions of a user in a vhost
ps = client.clear_permissions_of("/", "guest")


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Double-licensed under the MIT and Mozilla Public License (same as RabbitMQ).

(c) Michael S. Klishin, 2012-2013.