
API documentation generation on the fly for your rails app.

<img src=“” />


You can use the latest Rails 3 gem with the latest Docster gem. Add it to your Gemfile

gem 'docster-rails', :require => 'docster'

Configure your routes to enable docster. Open your ‘config/routes.rb` file and add:


This will add a route docs/api to your application.

Configuring Docster

Add a custom initializer such as config/initializers/docster.rb

Docster.setup do |config|
  config.application_name = "My awesome app"

Using docster

Docster markup is added directly to your code as comments. A markup block starts with the ‘# – doc –` tag and ends with the `# – /doc –` tag.

In your controllers or routes.rb file, add an object tag to start defining api calls for this object.


# -- doc --
# @object[picture] Picture related calls
# -- /doc --

To define an api call you can add the following docster markup.

# -- doc --
# @route              /albums/:album_id/pictures.json
# @method             GET
# @description        Listing pictures of a given album
# @params[page]       (optional) Pagination
# @params[per_page]   (optional) How many pictures per page
# @returns            { 
                        collection: [PICTURE_OBJECT,...], 
                        meta: { current_page: INT, num_pages: INT } 
# @notes              When the album owner is not a pro user, this request only returns the last X pictures
# @example            curl
#                     {
#                        pictures: [...]
#                     }
# -- /doc --


MIT License. Copyright 2012 Pingpin, Inc