
A Ruby Gem to create new git repositories on dreamhost using WebDav

Dreamcatch::Config.remote_url = "repo.example.com/git"
Dreamcatch::Config.username = "username"
Dreamcatch::Config.password = "password"

repo = Dreamcatch::Repo.new(
  :dir  => "~/some/dir",
  :name => "repo.git"
repo.save # => returns true when save success

repo = Dreamcatch::Repo.new(
  :dir  => "~/some/dir",
  :name => "repo.git"
repo.delete # => returns true when delete is success

repo = Dreamcatch::Repo.new(
  :dir  => "~/some/dir",
  :name => "repo.git"
repo.rename("new-name.git") # => returns true when rename was success

repo = Dreamcatch::Repo.new(
  :dir  => "~/some/dir",
  :name => "repo.git"
repo.delete_local # => returns true when rename was success

repo = Dreamcatch::Repo.new(
  :dir  => "~/some/dir",
  :name => "repo.git"
repo.errors # => returns an array of errors if any where found after delete, delete_local, rename or save

Gem Dependencies

  • grit must also be available

    sudo gem install grit

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.

  • Send me a pull request.

Copyright © 2009 Fernando Barajas. See LICENSE for details.