Dronetrack API

This is a simple ruby gem for integrating with the Dronetrack API

Pre-Requisites and Installation


You will need to create an account on Dronetrack and get clientId, clientSecret and redirect url to receive access token value. Also you need bundler to install gems. If you are going to run tests you have to install PhantomJS too.


Add to your project gem file line

gem 'dronetrack'

and run then


Using Dronetrack Client

require 'dronetrack'


Type Drone allows user to manage user's drones

drone_api = Dronetrack::Drone.new('baseUrl', 'accessToken') # you can get accessToken with Dronetrack::OAuthHelper

Getting drones

drones = drone_api.all()

Getting drone by id

drone = drone_api.get(id)

Creating drone

drone = drone_api.create('name' => name})

Updating drone

data = {'id' => id, 'name' => name}
drone = drone_api.update(data)

Removing drone


Adding points to new or exisiting track of drone

# Adding points to new track
res = drone_api.add_points(id, [{latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, timestamp: timestamp}, ...]) 
# res.trackId will be contain id of created track 

# Adding points to exisiting track
drone_api.add_points(id, trackId, [{latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, timestamp: timestamp }, ...]) 

Import points from CSV or KML files to new tracks of drone

# Import points to new tracks from csv files
# New track will be created for each file. File name  without extension will be used as track name.
drone_api.import_points_from_files(id, ['/path/to/file1', ...], :csv) 

# Import points to new tracks from kml files
drone_api.import_points_from_files(id, ['/path/to/file1', ...], :kml) 


Type Track allows user to manage tracks tracks

track_api = Dronetrack::Track.new('baseUrl', 'accessToken'); # you can get accessToken with Dronetrack::OAuthHelper

Getting tracks

tracks = track_api.all()

Getting track by id

track = track_api.get(id)

Creating track

data = {'name' => name, 'deviceId' => droneId}
track = track_api.create(data)

Updating track

data = {'id' => id, 'name' => name}

Removing track


Getting points

points = track_api.get_points(id)

Adding points to track

points = track_api.add_points(id, [{latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, timestamp: timestamp}, ...]) 

Import points from CSV or KML files to track

# Import points to new tracks from csv files
# All exisiting points will be overwriten
track_api.import_points_from_files(id, ['/path/to/file1', ...], :csv) 

# Import points to new tracks from kml files
track_api.import_points_from_files(id, ['/path/to/file1', ...], :kml) 


Dronetrack API uses OAuth 2.0 to authorize user. To get access token you can use type OAuthHelper

auth = Dronetrack::OAuthHelper.new('baseUrl', 'clientId', 'clientSecret', 'redirectUrl') # you must receive clientId, clientSecret and redirectUrl from Dronetrack site

Getting OAuth 2.0 access token

auth.getAccessToken lambda { |url, callback|
    # You should redirect to this 'url' (for web apps) or open this 'url' in browser (for other apps)
    # User will sign in on Dronetrack site (if need) and confirm decision to allow your app to work with Dronetrack API.
    # Then Dronetrack site will redirect user to 'redirectUrl' putting pin code value as query parameter 'code' (for web apps)
    # If your 'redirectUrl' is 'http://localhost' (for non-web apps) pin code will be shown to user. You should promt to enter this value by user.
    # Anyway you should pass this code as first parameter of callback function (like callback(code))
} do |accessToken|
    # use access token

# You should save accessToken value to use it in future.