
Gem Version

Dry::CLI extension & drop-in Command to generate a completion script for bash/zsh. It heavily relies on the great work of https://github.com/dannyben/completely.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dry-cli-completion'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dry-cli-completion


The gems architecture consits of three layers which each abstracts & simplifies the completion script generation and its usage:

  1. Command layer - drop-in dry-cli command to print the completion script for given shell
  2. Generator layer - the actual script generation leveraging completely
  3. Input layer - interspecting the dry-cli registry to extract each command with it options, arguements and aliases

1. Command layer

Simplest usage is to drop in the Dry::CLI::Completion::Command to your existing registry:

module MyRegistry
  extend Dry::CLI::Registry

  register "cmd1", MyCmd1

  register "completion", Dry::CLI::Completion::Command[self]

or extend the registry subsequently:

MyRegistry.register("completion", Dry::CLI::Completion::Command[MyRegistry])

This will extend your cli for a new command completion with following usage:

  foo-cli completion [SHELL]

  Print tab completion script for given shell

  SHELL                             # Shell for which to print the completion script: (bash/zsh)

  --[no-]include-aliases, -a        # Include command aliases when true, default: false
  --help, -h                        # Print this help

  foo-cli completion bash # Print tab completion script for bash
  foo-cli completion zsh # Print tab completion script for zsh
  foo-cli completion -a bash # Include command aliases for bash

2. Generator Layer

In case you want to change/extend the completion script, create a custom command and leverage just the generator:

class MyCommand < Dry::CLI::Command
  desc "Custom completion script command"

  def call(**)
    script = Dry::CLI::Completion::Generator.new(MyRegistry).call(shell: "bash")
    # ... further processing here ...
    puts script

3. Input layer

Lastly, if the script generation input needs to be adjusted, leverage the input layer. Here the commands, arguments, options and their values/types extracted and put in an input format for completely. See completely Readme for details.

input = Dry::CLI::Completion::Input.new(MyRegistry, "foo").call(include_aliases: false)
# ... further processing here ...
puts Completely::Completions.new(input)


For local development, this project comes dockerized - with a Dockerimage and Makefile. After checking out the repo, run the following to enter development console:

$ make build dev

With that, any dependencies are maintained and no ruby version manager is required.


The gem comes with a full-fledged rspec testsuite. To execute all tests run in developer console:

$ rspec

Manual Testing

The Foo::CLI::Command registry used in unit test is available as spec/foo-cli for manual testing. First source the completion script:

$ source <(spec/foo-cli completion bash)

Then try the tab completion yourself:

$ spec/foo-cli <tab>
completion  echo        exec        help        start       stop        version


For liniting, the gem leverages the standard Readme and rubocop rules. To execute just run:

$ rubocop


To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, push commits to GitHub and then create a release. This will create a git tag for the version, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org as well as GitHub packages. See GitHub actions in .github for more.

Supported Ruby versions

This library officially supports the following Ruby versions:

  • MRI >= 2.7.0


See LICENSE file.