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Ruby provides the delegate standard library. However, we found that it is not appropriate for many use cases that require nearly every call to be proxied.

For instance, Rails uses #class and #instance_of? to introspect on model classes when generating forms and URL helpers. These methods are not forwarded when using Delegator or SimpleDelegator.

“by require ‘delegate’

class MyAwesomeClass # … end

o = MyAwesomeClass.new d = SimpleDelegator.new(o)

d.class # => SimpleDelegator d.is_a? MyAwesomeClass # => false

DumbDelegator, on the other hand, forwards almost ALL the things:

“by require ‘dumb_delegator’

class MyAwesomeClass # … end

o = MyAwesomeClass.new d = DumbDelegator.new(o)

d.class # => MyAwesomeClass d.is_a? MyAwesomeClass # => true


Rails Model Decorator

There are many decorator implementations in Ruby. One of the simplest is “SimpleDelegator + super + getobj,” but it has the drawback of confusing Rails. It is necessary to redefine class. We’ve also observed the need to redefine instance_of? for URL helpers.

With DumbDelegator, there’s not a need for this hackery because nearly every possible method is delegated:

“by require ‘dumb_delegator’

class Coffee def cost 2 end

def origin ‘Colombia’ end end

class Milk < DumbDelegator def cost super + 0.4 end end

class Sugar < DumbDelegator def cost super + 0.2 end end

coffee = Coffee.new Sugar.new(Milk.new(coffee)).cost # 2.6 Sugar.new(Sugar.new(coffee)).cost # 2.4 Milk.new(coffee).origin # Colombia Sugar.new(Milk.new(coffee)).class # Coffee


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'dumb_delegator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dumb_delegator


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Contribution Ideas/Needs

  1. Ruby 1.8 support (use the blankslate gem?)