I can image a Dropbox session, just for testing.
Very simple library for mocking the dropbox_ruby_gem.
You can test your application without making real calls to Dropbox API using a local folder to fake a Dropbox account.
$ [sudo] gem install dummy_dropbox
require 'dummy_dropbox'
# Optional:
# Point where your local folder structure is located.
# It will be used as if the real Dropbox structure was been reading.
DummyDropbox.root_path = <your_local_folder>
session = Dropbox::Session.new('key', 'secret')
assert_equal( File.read( "<your_local_folder>/file1.txt" ) , @session.download( '/file1.txt' ) )
See the test folder.
The status of this dummy implementation is not very much completed, I just implemented enough for my proposes.
Please fork it and complete the holes as you need it, them send me your pull request.
- Author
Fernando Guillen: fernandoguillen.info
- Copyright
Copyright © 2010 Fernando Guillen
- License
Released under the MIT license.