dwilkie Foreigner

dwilkie-foreigner is a fork of Matt Higgins Foreigner which supports adding AND enforcing foreign key constraints on Sqlite3 databases.

Some Examples

dwilkie-foreigner allows you to do the following in your migration files

  create_table :comments do |t|
    t.references :posts, :foreign_key => true, :null => false
Which will generate the following SQL:

  <span class="caps">CREATE</span> <span class="caps">TABLE</span> “comments” (“id” <span class="caps">INTEGER</span> <span class="caps">PRIMARY</span> <span class="caps">KEY</span> <span class="caps">AUTOINCREMENT</span> <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>,
  “post_id” integer <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>,
  <span class="caps">FOREIGN</span> <span class="caps">KEY</span> (“post_id”) <span class="caps">REFERENCES</span> “posts”(id));

Go a different column name?

  create_table :comments do |t|
    t.references :article, :null => false
    t.foreign_key :posts, :column => :article_id
Which generates:

  <span class="caps">CREATE</span> <span class="caps">TABLE</span> “comments” (“id” <span class="caps">INTEGER</span> <span class="caps">PRIMARY</span> <span class="caps">KEY</span> <span class="caps">AUTOINCREMENT</span> <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>,
  “article_id” integer <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>,
  <span class="caps">FOREIGN</span> <span class="caps">KEY</span> (“article_id”) <span class="caps">REFERENCES</span> “posts”(id));

Want to specify a dependency (nullify or delete)?

  create_table :comments do |t|
    t.references :posts, :foreign_key => {:dependent => :delete}, :null => false

  <span class="caps">CREATE</span> <span class="caps">TABLE</span> “comments” (“id” <span class="caps">INTEGER</span> <span class="caps">PRIMARY</span> <span class="caps">KEY</span> <span class="caps">AUTOINCREMENT</span> <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>,
  “post_id” integer <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>,
  <span class="caps">FOREIGN</span> <span class="caps">KEY</span> (“post_id”) <span class="caps">REFERENCES</span> “posts”(id) ON <span class="caps">DELETE</span> <span class="caps">CASCADE</span>);

  create_table :comments do |t|
    t.references :article, :null => false
    t.foreign_key :posts, :column => :article_id, :dependent => :nullify
Which generates:

  <span class="caps">CREATE</span> <span class="caps">TABLE</span> “comments” (“id” <span class="caps">INTEGER</span> <span class="caps">PRIMARY</span> <span class="caps">KEY</span> <span class="caps">AUTOINCREMENT</span> <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>,
  “article_id” integer <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>,
  <span class="caps">FOREIGN</span> <span class="caps">KEY</span> (“article_id”) <span class="caps">REFERENCES</span> “posts”(id) ON <span class="caps">DELETE</span> <span class="caps">SET</span> <span class="caps">NULL</span>);

Enforcing constraints

SQLite does not enforce database constraints out of the box This provides you with the flexibility in choosing whether or not to enforce constraints at the DB level or not.

In order to enforce your constraints:

  .genfkey —exec

While your in the console run:

to see your constraints implemented as triggers


All of the constrants are updated in schema.rb when you run:

  rake db:migrate
  rake db:schema:dump
This allows you to see the state of your migratons and take advantage of using
rake db:schema:load


Since SQLite does not have complete ALTER TABLE support you cannot use the following syntax:


Therefore you must add your foreign keys when you define your table, which may involve editing existing migration files instead of generating new ones


Add the following to environment.rb:

  config.gem “dwilkie-foreigner”, :lib => “foreigner”, :source => “http://gemcutter.org”
Then run

  sudo rake gems:install

See also

Don’t need support for other databases? Check out sqlite-foreigner

Copyright © 2009 David Wilkie, released under the MIT license