
A Rails engine containing common admin maintenance screens. Currently contains Delayed::Job and Outbound Request maintenance screens


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'easy_admin'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install easy_admin


The gem contains a dummy rails apps (under test/dummy) which you can use to test or extend the functionality (contains no styles!).

To use it in your Rails app, all you need is a Admin::BaseController (which the EasyAdmin controllers will extend). Define any authentication, layout and before_filter logic in there.


To manage Delayed::Jobs, you need to define a method in your Admin::BaseController called authorize_jobs which will control access to the JobsController.

class Admin::BaseController < ApplicationController
  layout 'admin'


  def authorize_jobs
    redirect_to root_path unless @current_user.admin?

You will get the following routes:

retry_admin_job POST   /admin/jobs/:id/retry(.:format)          admin/jobs#retry
     admin_jobs GET    /admin/jobs(.:format)                    admin/jobs#index
      admin_job GET    /admin/jobs/:id(.:format)                admin/jobs#show
                DELETE /admin/jobs/:id(.:format)                admin/jobs#destroy

Outbound Requests


To manage OutboundRequests you need to define a method in your Admin::BaseController called authorize_outbound_requests which will controll access to the OutboundRequestsController.

class Admin::BaseController < ApplicationController
  layout 'admin'


  def authorize_outbound_requests
    redirect_to root_path unless @current_user.admin?

You need to run this for generating the outbound_request create table migration:

$ rails g easy_admin:active_record

You also need to define the outbound services as a hash constant. Put this in an EasyAdmin module in application.rb.

module ::EasyAdmin
  OUTBOUND_SERVICES = {webhook: 'Webhook', sailthru: 'Sailthru'}

You will get the following routes:

admin_outbound_requests GET    /admin/outbound_requests(.:format)     admin/outbound_requests#index
admin_outbound_request GET    /admin/outbound_requests/:id(.:format) admin/outbound_requests#show

You will also get a rake task to delete old outbound requests. age is counted in days. Default age = 2:

rake requests:clean[age]


If you want to get the request elapse time, you can call elapsed_time:

outbound_request = OutboundRequest.create(service: :twitter, identifier: 'abletech', action: :dm)
  # do request here
outbound_request.update_attribute(:response_code, response.code)



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request