
The easiest way to create bookmarklets for your rails app.


Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'easymarklet'

Then run:

bundle install

Building your bookmarklet code

Add a file to your app/assets/javascripts directory that will hold the code for your bookmarklet. For example :


  var p = document.createElement('p');
  p.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Foo vs. Baz'));

Linking to your bookmarklet

Then in a view template you can link to your bookmarklet using the easymarklet_js helper.

<%= link_to "Foo Baz!", easymarklet_js('foobaz_bookmarklet.js') %>

The resulting link will contain a small snippet of javascript that will load your bookmarklet code into the current page and execute it. Place some instructions for your users near the link that tells them to drag the link into their bookmark bar.

XDM Bookmarklets

  • Note : XDM is a work in progress.

To enable cross domain communictaion between your site and other pages on the 'net we need to be able to generate a fully qualified URL to your bookmarklet code. To set the correct host you should add this to each of your confing/environment/*.rb files. Adjust the :host accordingly. :port is optional.

config.action_controller.default_url_options = {:host =>

'localhost', :port => 3000}

XDM bookmarklet code acts as a consumer for data or a service that is supplied by the provider, a page on your app.

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.