
This library provides a set of extensions to the elasticsearch Rubygem.


Install the package from Rubygems:

gem install elasticsearch-extensions

To use an unreleased version, either add it to your Gemfile for Bundler:

gem 'elasticsearch-extensions', git: 'git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git'

or install it from a source code checkout:

git clone https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git
cd elasticsearch-ruby/elasticsearch-extensions
bundle install
rake install



Backup Elasticsearch indices as flat JSON files on the disk via integration with the Backup gem.

Use the Backup gem's DSL to configure the backup:

require 'elasticsearch/extensions/backup'

Model.new(:elasticsearch_backup, 'Elasticsearch') do

  database Elasticsearch do |db|
    db.url     = 'http://localhost:9200'
    db.indices = 'test'

  store_with Local do |local|
    local.path = '/tmp/backups'

  compress_with Gzip

Perform the backup with the Backup gem's command line utility:

$ backup perform -t elasticsearch_backup

See more information in the Backup::Database::Elasticsearch class documentation.


Copy documents from one index and cluster into another one, for example for purposes of changing the settings and mappings of the index.

NOTE: Elasticsearch natively supports re-indexing since version 2.3. This extension is useful when you need the feature on older versions.

When the extension is loaded together with the Ruby client for Elasticsearch, a reindex method is added to the client:

require 'elasticsearch'
require 'elasticsearch/extensions/reindex'

client = Elasticsearch::Client.new
target_client = Elasticsearch::Client.new url: 'http://localhost:9250', log: true

client.index index: 'test', type: 'd', body: { title: 'foo' }

client.reindex source: { index: 'test' },
               dest: { index: 'test', client: target_client },
               transform: lambda { |doc| doc['_source']['title'].upcase! },
               refresh: true
# => { errors: 0 }

target_client.search index: 'test'
# => ... hits ... "title"=>"FOO"

The method takes similar arguments as the core API reindex method.

You can also use the Reindex class directly:

require 'elasticsearch'
require 'elasticsearch/extensions/reindex'

client = Elasticsearch::Client.new

reindex = Elasticsearch::Extensions::Reindex.new \
            source: { index: 'test', client: client },
            dest: { index: 'test-copy' }


See more information in the Elasticsearch::Extensions::Reindex::Reindex class documentation.


Colorize and format selected Elasticsearch response parts in terminal:

Display formatted search results:

require 'elasticsearch/extensions/ansi'
puts Elasticsearch::Client.new.search.to_ansi

Display a table with the output of the _analyze API:

require 'elasticsearch/extensions/ansi'
puts Elasticsearch::Client.new.indices.analyze(text: 'Quick Brown Fox Jumped').to_ansi

Full documentation


Allows to programatically start and stop an Elasticsearch cluster suitable for isolating tests.

The HTTP service is running on ports 9250-* by default.

Start and stop the default cluster:

require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/cluster'


Start the cluster on specific port, with a specific Elasticsearch version, number of nodes and cluster name:

require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/cluster'

Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.start \
  cluster_name:    "my-testing-cluster",
  command:         "/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.90.10/bin/elasticsearch",
  port:            9350,
  number_of_nodes: 3

# Starting 3 Elasticsearch nodes.....................
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cluster:            my-testing-cluster
# Status:             green
# Nodes:              3
#                     - node-1 | version: 1.0.0.Beta2, pid: 54469
#                     + node-2 | version: 1.0.0.Beta2, pid: 54470
#                     - node-3 | version: 1.0.0.Beta2, pid: 54468
# => true

Stop this cluster:

require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/cluster'

Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.stop port: 9350

# Stopping Elasticsearch nodes... stopped PID 54469. stopped PID 54470. stopped PID 54468.
# # => [54469, 54470, 54468]

You can control the cluster configuration with environment variables as well:

TEST_CLUSTER_NAME=my-testing-cluster \
TEST_CLUSTER_COMMAND=/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.90.10/bin/elasticsearch \
TEST_CLUSTER_NAME=my_testing_cluster \
ruby -r elasticsearch -e "require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/cluster'; Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.start"

To prevent deleting data and configurations when the cluster is started, for example in a development environment, use the clear_cluster: false option or the TEST_CLUSTER_CLEAR=false environment variable.

Full documentation


Allows to register startup and shutdown hooks for Test::Unit, similarly to RSpec's before(:all), compatible with the Test::Unit 2 syntax.

The extension is useful for e.g. starting the testing Elasticsearch cluster before the test suite is executed, and stopping it afterwards.

** IMPORTANT NOTE ** You have to register the handler for shutdown hook before requiring 'test/unit':

# File: test_helper.rb
at_exit { MyTest.__run_at_exit_hooks }
require 'test/unit'

Example of handler registration:

class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  extend Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::StartupShutdown

  startup  { puts "Suite starting up..." }
  shutdown { puts "Suite shutting down..." }

Full documentation

Examples in the Elasticsearch gem test suite: 1, 2


Allows to define and execute profiling tests within Shoulda contexts. Measures operations and reports statistics, including code profile.

Let's define a simple profiling test in a profiling_test.rb file:

require 'test/unit'
require 'shoulda/context'
require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/profiling'

class ProfilingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  extend Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Profiling

  context "Mathematics" do
    measure "divide numbers", count: 10_000 do
      assert_nothing_raised { 1/2 }


Let's run it:

$ QUIET=y ruby profiling_test.rb


Context: Mathematics should divide numbers (10000x)
mean: 0.03ms | avg: 0.03ms | max: 0.14ms
     PASS (0:00:00.490) test: Mathematics should divide numbers (10000x).

When using the QUIET option, only the statistics on operation throughput are printed. When omitted, the full code profile by RubyProf is printed.

Full documentation

Example in the Elasticsearch gem


To work on the code, clone and bootstrap the main repository first -- please see instructions in the main README.

To run tests, launch a testing cluster -- again, see instructions in the main README -- and use the Rake tasks:

time rake test:unit
time rake test:integration

Unit tests have to use Ruby 1.8 compatible syntax, integration tests can use Ruby 2.x syntax and features.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license.