Elasticsearch Tests Runner

This gem is a tool for Elasticsearch Ruby clients to run the Elasticsearch Clients Tests. The Client tests project is a test suite in the YAML format. It defines a set of actions and expectations to run against Elasticsearch. The are designed to run with Elasticsearch clients, with the goal to reuse across different Elasticsearch clients in different programming languages.

This is the Ruby version and is being used in the elasticsearch and elasticsearch-serverless Ruby clients.


Add the gem to the application's Gemfile:

gem 'elasticsearch-test-runner', git: '[email protected]:elastic/es-test-runner-ruby.git'


To start using the library, add this to your code:

# Require the library
require 'elasticsearch/tests/test_runner'
# Define a path where the test files are being stored:
tests_path = File.expand_path('./tmp', __dir__)
# Instantiate an Elasticsearch client
client = Elasticsearch::Client.new
# Instantiate and run the test runner:
Elasticsearch::Tests::TestRunner.new(client, tests_path).run

The tests are designed for the Elasticsearch REST API and the Elasticsearch Serverless REST API. If you pass in an ElasticsearchServerless::Client, it will only run the tests that have the requires.serverless: true statement. Otherwise, it will only run the ones with requires.stack: true.

You can optionally pass in an object that implements Ruby's Logger to the TestRunner initializer. This will log more information, particularly useful in the case of errors where it'll log stacktraces for exceptions and more:

logger = Logger.new($stdout)
logger.level = Logger::WARN unless ENV['DEBUG']

runner = Elasticsearch::Tests::TestRunner.new(client, tests_path, logger)

When you run the tests, you can pass in the name of a particular test or a whole test folder, to run only those tests. Tests in the clients project are located in the tests directory either as single yaml files or inside a specific directory, referring to a specific namespace. For example tests/get.yml and tests/bulk/10_basic.yml. If you want to run the get.yml test, you can pass in the file name to run:


If you want to run the basic bulk tests, you can run:


If you want to run all the tests in a directory, you can pass in the directory:


This will run all the tests in tests/indices such as alias.yml, analyze.yml, and so on.

You can download the YAML test files from the clients tests project with the following code:

require 'elasticsearch/tests/downloader'

Additionally, you can run the rake task rake es_tests:download included in lib/elasticsearch/tasks.




This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license. See NOTICE.