Elibri Connect gem

Continuous integration status

Elibri dependencies:

Elibri Xml Versions: Build Status
Elibri Onix Mocks: Build Status
Acts as Elibri Product: Build Status
Elibri Onix Dict: Build Status
Elibri Onix: Build Status
Elibri Api Client: Build Status

Elibri Connect:

Build Status


Gem designed to allow easy addition of elibri based product system to your application. Currently tested and supported 1.8.7 versions of ruby (MRI, rbx, REE).


  • add gem 'elibri_connect' to you Gemfile
  • run bundle install

Now - depending on your situation you may choose one of four options:

  • rails generate elibri:connect:config to create only configuration file in initializers, in which you need to supply your own user/password combination.
  • rails generate elibri:connect:db_structure to create db structure and models (product, contributor and product_text), which will have turned on elibri synchronisation.
  • rails generate elibri:connect:whenever to create config/schedule.rb file, which will invoke elibri sync every 6 hours. It will overwrite your actual config/schedule.rb - so please be careful.
  • rails generate elibri:connect:install which will invoke all three previous generators.

If you have working application, and you need to add support to existing product model - please look here for more information about adding acts_as_elibri_product declaration to model (including traverse vector examples): elibri/acts_as_elibri_product

After creation of config file, gem will provide you with rake task: rake elibri:update_products which will connect to elibri, download new and update existing product. You can also use it from your code using Elibri::Connect.update_products method.
If you need to access raw api client - you can get it by invoking Elibri::Connect.api_client.

Gem has additional mode of operation called test_mode - you can get into it, by setting test_mode=true inside configuration file. When using it your application will not connect to elibri, instead it will use elibri_xml_mocks to mock and create product for your app.

Also when installed elibri_connect you will receive method to look into related products imported from elibri. There is one to many relationship between product and related_products. You can use it, like this:

product.related_products #list of related objects
product.related_products.objects #list of actual products related to our
product.related_products.first.object #actual product that is related

Anatomy of config file

Config file looks like this, and needs to be in config/initializers directory (generate command can provide one for you):

Elibri::Connect.setup do |config|
  config. = your elibri api  here
  config.password = your elibri api password here
  config.api_version = 'v1' #api_version - doesn't need to be changed
  config.onix_dialect = '3.0.1' #onix_dialect - doesn't need to be changed
  config.product_model = :product #if you use other model than product - you need to set different name here
  config.test_mode = true #- add this line to config if you want to avoid connecting to elibri and use mocked data