Getting Started

Download and install VirtualBox (as instructed in the Vagrant Getting Started guide). Then set up your bundle and grab the Ubuntu Lucid VM image.

gem install bundler
# creates provision/ for local vagrant use
rake bam
cd provision
bundle install
vagrant box add lucid64

Spin up a new VM

vagrant up

SSH into the VM

vagrant ssh

Destroy the VM

vagrant destroy

Re-run Chef recipes on the VM

vagrant provision

Stop/Start the VM

vagrant suspend
vagrant resume

Install additional cookbooks

This script (and the knife extension it invokes) automatically creates a vendor branch for tracking upstream git sources, merges the cookbook into the cookbooks/ directory, and makes it easy to update these cookbook as needed in the future.

To use this script, the cookbook must be in its own git repository, like those at

./script/install_cookbook cookbooks/mysql