EM-APN - EventMachine'd Apple Push Notifications

We want:

  • Streamlined for a persistent connection use-case
  • Support for the enhanced protocol, with receipts


In a nutshell:

require "em-apn"

# Inside a reactor...
notification = EM::APN::Notification.new(token, :alert => alert)
client = EM::APN::Client.connect

Using this interface, the easiest way to configure the connection is by setting some environment variables so that EM::APN can find your SSL certificates:

ENV["APN_KEY"]  = "/path/to/key.pem"
ENV["APN_CERT"] = "/path/to/cert.pem"

Also, by default, the library connects to Apple's sandbox push server. If you want to connect to the production server, simply set the APN_ENV environment variable to production:

ENV["APN_ENV"] = "production"

The gateway and SSL certs can also be set directly when instantiating the object:

client = EM::APN::Client.connect(
  :gateway => "some.host",
  :key     => "/path/to/key.pem",
  :cert    => "/path/to/cert.pem"

The client manages an underlying EM::Connection, and it will automatically reconnect to the gateway when the connection is closed. Callbacks can be set on the client to handle error responses from the gateway and connection close events:

client = EM::APN::Client.connect
client.on_error do |response|
  # See EM::APN::ErrorResponse

client.on_close do
  # Do something.

In our experience, we've found that Apple immediately closes the connection whenever an error is detected, so the error and close callbacks are nearly always called one-to-one. These methods exist as a convenience, and the callbacks can also be set directly to anything that responds to #call:

client.error_callback = Proc.new { |response| ... }
client.close_callback = Proc.new { ... }

Max Payload Size

Apple enforces a limit of 256 bytes for the entire payload.

We raise an EM::APN::Notification::PayloadTooLarge exception.

How you truncate your payloads is up to you. Be especially careful when dealing with multi-byte data.


  • Support the feedback API for dead tokens


Much thanks to: