Betfair API client using Eventmachine and EM-Http
em-betfair is a work in progress evented client for the Betfair API. The following API calls have been implemented :
- login
- getMarket
- getSilksV2
- getAllMarkets
- getMarketPricesCompressed
- getMarketTradedVolumeCompressed
gem install em-betfair
gem "em-betfair", "~> 0.1"
Create an instance of the client
config = {
"username" => "<YOUR BETFAIR USERNAME>",
"password" => "<YOUR BETFAIR PASSWORD>",
"product_id" => "<YOUR BETFAIR PRODUCTID>",
"exchange_endpoint" => "",
"global_endpoint" => ""
bf_client =
Making a call to the API:
EM::run {
bf_client.get_all_markets do |rsp|
rsp.raw_response # access the raw response body
rsp.parsed_response # access the Nokogiri XML object of the raw response
rsp.hash_response # access a hash of the response data
rsp.successfull # boolean for success
rsp.error # API error message if not successfull
Note, logging in to the API is handled internally by the client.
Ruby versions
Tested on 1.9.2 but should work on 1.8.7 too.