em-syslog ######### Simple syslog integration into EventMachine at the class level.

Still needs work and testing.

To install:

git clone git://github.com/melito/em-syslog.git


sudo gem install melito-em-syslog -s http://gems.github.com


require 'em/syslog'

# Setup syslog
EM.syslog_setup('centralserver.com', 514)

# Send commands

EM.emergency(‘system is unusable’)

EM.alert('action must be taken immediately')
EM.critical('critical conditions')
EM.error('error conditions')
EM.warning('warning conditions')
EM.notice('normal but significant conditions')
EM.informational('informational messages')
EM.info('informational messages (short name for the previous)')
EM.debug('debug-level messages')


kqueue doesn't seem to work. (Haven't tested epoll)


Take some of the server examples and insert.
Make sure blocking is minimal/non-existant 
Add support for syslog-ng
  Add support for TCP (syslog-ng)
  Add support for TLS (syslog-ng)
Clean up API
Just improve everything.


Was creating a new datagram socket everytime a packet was sent out.  Only use one now.